Search Results for: rockefeller

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Atomic Show #219 – Mike Rosen misused Edward Calabrese’s Earth Day column

…ions and donations to chosen scientists through their various foundations (Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, etc.) They also provided financial and political support to Paul Ehrlich’s Zero Population Growth movement, which was a breeding ground for antinuclear “scientists” like John Holdren and provided many antigrowth and antinuclear messages. I have mixed emotions about 21st Century Science and Technology. It is a LaRouche publi…

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Russia using oil wealth to finance nuclear exports

…rises; stocks in those companies often provide part of the endowment base. Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Pew Charitable Trusts, Tides Foundation, Ford Foundation, Aspen Institute, George and Cynthia Mitchell Foundation, etc. There are numerous traceable individual cases as well; one high profile example was Aubrey McClendon’s gifts to Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign. It would take an enormous effort to do a full accounting,…

Improvements in spent fuel pool modeling

…he Ford Foundation, led by McGeorge Bundy, with the encouragement of David Rockefeller and his Trilateral Commission (as documented by his own autobiography) convinced the Carter Administration to declare that recycling used nuclear fuel was a proliferation threat. The government awarded itself a monopoly on the back end of the fuel cycle and forced nuclear plant licensees to sign a contract with the government to provide the spent fuel services t…

Calabrese details reasons he is not satisfied with Science Magazine’s “final” answer

…the ICRP, because they don’t fit his agenda. Rod Adams @Bob Applebaum The Rockefeller Foundation asked the AEC to convene BEAR 1, not the AEC. See page 506-507 of The country’s newspapers during that time had been persistently asking, “What effects will the atomic age have on the human race?” The public was hopelessly confused by the conflicts of opinion bein…

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Smaller nuclear power plants can be beautiful, despite the opposition of the UCS

…orks of people who earned their paychecks from foundations led by Laurence Rockefeller and/or John D. Rockefeller, III.” It could be, but some years ago, he told me that he tragically lost his daughter to a freak cancer. Ever since he told me that, I believe that his crusade against nuclear is genuine. I think he genuinely believes that his daughter might well be alive today if nuclear power did not exist today. I also believe that he believes tha…

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Atomic Show #241 – Rachel Pritzker, philanthropic problem solver

…website indicates “Breakthrough is a fiscal project of, but not funded by, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers.” The Rockefeller Foundation was brought up during the podcast (as well as others), but this specific point was not addressed. Is there something more to this connection? Rod Adams @Tom d I’m going to put on my virtual thick rubber gloves and insulated boots and then touch on what I believe is the “third rail” of discussions among philanthr…

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Mark Z. Jacobson is proud that his models disagree with IPCC (and almost everyone else)

…s from people who were born into the upper classes. Several members of the Rockefeller family, including John D. Jr, Laurence, and John D. III were heavily involved in the population control movement starting in the 1890s when Junior was a student at Brown University. There’s something ironically elitist with “Population Bomb” supporters having families as large as Jun…

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Another nuclear plant will close for good on Monday

…n applied to our present reality. Rod Adams @poa Where would you place the Rockefellers, the Clintons, Al Gore, LBJ, the Podestas, Ted Turner, George & Cynthia Mitchell and the Udall’s on the political spectrum. All of the are very interested in the continued success of natural gas. Rich And I will give even odds tha two more NPPs throw in the towel. TMI for one is just hanging on. But tha will make Green RFK Jr. and his NG supporters happy. That…

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On Plutonium, Nuclear War, and Nuclear Peace

…sed. Cynically speaking, it is you who are confused. I just finished David Rockefeller‘s excellent and reasonably honest autobiography. As he describes in not so many words, the real mission of the World Bank has always been to use public funds to enrich people like him. I think his words were something like “enabling free flow of investment capital, goods and people across borders”. Daniel I read you Rod, Nonetheless, here is the cynical mission…

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Dear Scott Pruitt – Please establish modern scientific basis for radiation regulations

…ller’s sponsored point of view began to have influence. At that point, the Rockefeller Foundation’s steady, patient investment in his career (dating back to the mid 1920s) began to pay off. With his 1946 Nobel Prize as an effective weapon and his large research budget at Indiana University, he successfully propagated the highly profitable [for all energy competitors] notion that radiation was some kind of special peril to the future of mankind wit…


Bernie Sanders and Jimmy Kimmel discuss importance of action on climate change

…n accumulated during the robber baron and industrial trust eras. Carnegie, Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Vanderbilt, on and on, did not resist the income tax because they already had their wealth and were no longer building careers, building assets, and making large sums of new money doing constructive work. Brian Mays FermiAged – That’s correct. Federal Income Tax was originally sold to the public as “soak the rich” — only those rich Vanderbilts in…

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Friends of the Earth (UK) considering evidence regarding nuclear. May change long held position

…Tax exempt. And many of these Foundations are Oil Baron Families like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Pew Foundation. Latest is OPEC has decided that Fracking damages the water supply so should be banned. Look forward to big, fat donations to ENGOs opposing Fracking as well. Pretty obvious what is going on if the donations are made up front, so they go to great lengths to keep the graft secret. Rod Adams @Paul Wick I agree completely. The rank…

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