Atomic Show #319 – Juliann Edwards, The Nuclear Company

Atomic Show #319 – Juliann Edwards, The Nuclear Company

The Nuclear Company exited a period of operating in “stealth mode” about a month ago. That exit was sufficiently well planned and executed that it is likely that Atomic Insights readers have already heard of the company. The Nuclear Company was incorporated a year ago. Its founding team has been working diligently to build the…

Atomic Show #318 – Brian Gitt, Business Development, Oklo

Atomic Show #318 – Brian Gitt, Business Development, Oklo

Brian Gitt, the Business Development lead at Oklo, visited the Atomic Show to describe his employer’s business model and current prospects. Oklo is an advanced fission and fuel recycling company with an expansive vision for becoming a competitive clean energy supplier. It plans to provide heat and/or electricity as a service from a fleet of…

Atomic Show #314 – Economies of scale for micro, small, medium, large reactors – with James Krellenstein

Atomic Show #314 – Economies of scale for micro, small, medium, large reactors – with James Krellenstein

James Krellenstein is a physicist, consultant and nuclear energy historian. He is currently employed as a senior advisor to Global Health Strategies. He started up their decarbonization practice with an emphasis on nuclear energy along with renewables. He was the lead author on GEH’s report on ways to reduce global dependence on Russia for necessary…

Parnassus Versus Green Century: A Contrast in Styles

Parnassus Versus Green Century: A Contrast in Styles

Cross-posted from Nucleation Capital June, July and August of 2023 were the three hottest months the Earth has ever seen by such a large margin, it left climate scientists agog. Climate disasters are abounding apace, with the U.S. hit by 23 large-scale disasters, a record-breaking year already. In Pakistan, extreme rainfall and flooding affected 33…

Unnecessary rules should be eliminated

Unnecessary rules should be eliminated

Commissioners on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are worried. They see a pending avalanche of license applications for new reactors, fuel production facilities, uranium mines, transportation containers, and waste repositories with an insufficiently sized and trained licensing workforce. They seem to be increasingly aware of their role in enabling a clean energy transition and they want…

Where is the nuclear industry headed? Four top executives share their thoughts at ANS Utility Working Conference 2023

Where is the nuclear industry headed? Four top executives share their thoughts at ANS Utility Working Conference 2023

One good reason to attend industry conferences is to be able carefully listen to the thoughts of industry leaders, especially during unscripted panel discussions. When the executives are among colleagues and aren’t delivering prepared, vetted speeches with polished slides, it’s possible to glean valuable information that can help form the basis for future actions. As…

IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) should make an important contribution towards mitigating future inflationary periods. It accomplishes this beneficial goal by providing important support for facilities that increase US clean electricity production. The key sections of the Inflation Reduction Act are new IRS code sections 45Y and 48E. Respectively, these are called the Clean Electricity…

Can prototype nuclear reactors be licensed in the US under current rules?

Can prototype nuclear reactors be licensed in the US under current rules?

Designers and developers of nuclear power systems that are substantially different from conventional light water reactors face a conundrum. They are required to provide sufficient information to regulators to allow them to confidently predict how the designs will behave under a comprehensive set of postulated operational and accident conditions. Proving their design is safe is…

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Atomic Show #303 – Bret Kugelmass, CEO Last Energy

Last Energy is an innovative new company governed by a philosophy of avoiding the invention of anything that has not been done before. They have created a business that is laser focused on building, owning and operating small (20 MWe), modular pressurized water reactors and selling the electricity they produce under long term power purchase…

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, the Director General of the World Nuclear Association, visited the Atomic Show to provide an international perspective on the revival in interest in nuclear energy deployment. As the head of the organization that represents the global nuclear industry, provides education about all matters related to using nuclear technologies, and lobbies…