Chris Wright on nuclear power, Nov 6, 2020

Chris Wright on nuclear power, Nov 6, 2020

Yesterday, Chris Wright was confirmed as the next U.S. Secretary of Energy. After that important step in his energy career, it’s worth taking a few moments to learn what he thinks about nuclear power outside of any political context. In my experience, people like Wright form and hold opinions that do not shift much over…

Why did The Energy Gang overlook the newsworthy impact of nuclear energy on COP28?

Why did The Energy Gang overlook the newsworthy impact of nuclear energy on COP28?

The Energy Gang’s Dec 15 episode discussed the major outcomes from COP28. Ed Crooks (@Ed_Crooks), Dr. Melissa Lott @mclott, and Amy Harder (@AmyAHarder) completed the show without mentioning nuclear energy. That episode of the long-running, respected energy podcast was produced just four days after a focused episode reporting on #nuclear energy’s important role at COP28….

IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

IRA’s Clean Electricity Tax Credits (Sections 48E and 45Y) are an under-appreciated boon for new nuclear power

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) should make an important contribution towards mitigating future inflationary periods. It accomplishes this beneficial goal by providing important support for facilities that increase US clean electricity production. The key sections of the Inflation Reduction Act are new IRS code sections 45Y and 48E. Respectively, these are called the Clean Electricity…

Oil and gas opposition to consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities in Permian Basin

Oil and gas opposition to consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities in Permian Basin

An article titled “US sweetens pot to study siting for spent nuke fuel storage” was published in the January 26, 2023 edition of the Washington Post. The article included a paragraph that credited “environmentalists” as being the main source of opposition to construction of consolidated interim spent fuel (CISF) storage facilities that are either licensed…

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Atomic Show #302 – Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon, the Director General of the World Nuclear Association, visited the Atomic Show to provide an international perspective on the revival in interest in nuclear energy deployment. As the head of the organization that represents the global nuclear industry, provides education about all matters related to using nuclear technologies, and lobbies…

Oliver Stone’s “Nuclear” – An optimistic look at a powerful tool for addressing climate change and energy security

Oliver Stone’s “Nuclear” – An optimistic look at a powerful tool for addressing climate change and energy security

By early 2019, Oliver Stone, a successful filmmaker who has created a long list of popular works of art, had become increasingly concerned and even depressed about what he had learned about the risk climate change posed to humanity. He’d watched Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” and paid attention to dire warnings coming from credible scientific…

Nuclear advocates overwhelm a clean energy poll with a write-in candidate

On January 12, 2022, the New York Power Authority posted a poll on its Twitter feed. It asked people to vote for the clean energy technology they would like more of in 2022. The poll listed electric vehicles, green hydrogen, solar and geothermal. Within a couple of hours, more than sixty users had responded to…

Atomic Show #291 – Kalev Kallemets, Fermi Energia

Atomic Show #291 – Kalev Kallemets, Fermi Energia

Fermi Energia is an Estonian company whose mission is to provide its home country with an independent, clean, safe and affordable electricity production system by 2035. That system will be anchored by base supply from small modular nuclear reactors. It is a lofty mission for a small company in a country whose land mass and…

Atomic Show #290 – Myrto Tripathi, Voices of Nuclear

Atomic Show #290 – Myrto Tripathi, Voices of Nuclear

Nuclear energy professionals are credible sources of information about a powerful technology that can help address climate change and contribute to humanity’s development. Voices of Nuclear is an international non-profit group that seeks to empower nuclear supporters, both professionals in the industry and allies outside of the industry, with tools, organization and effective messages. Myrto…

Atomic Show #268 – Jigar and Jake

Atomic Show #268 – Jigar and Jake

Oklo Power recently announced that it had filed the first non-light water reactor combined license application ever submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Their 1.5 MWe fast spectrum, passively safe reactor represents a complete paradigm shift for nuclear energy. It’s not a big, slow to build, hugely expensive project requiring complex financing structures. It’s a…

Atomic Show #265 – Atomic Optimism. Under-appreciated opportunities in sight.

On Sunday, Feb 17, I realized that I was feeling extraordinarily good about the future of atomic energy, the future of clean energy production, and the future prosperity of the world that my grandchildren are going to inhabit. I immediately composed and sent an invitation to some atomic colleagues to join me in a conversation….