Oliver Stone's "Nuclear" - An optimistic look at a powerful tool for addressing climate change and energy security 1

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  1. Wow! It looks like a big name documentary maker is telling Rod’s story. I doubt if there would be anything in the movie that hasn’t been seen in Atomic Insights over the years.

    This movie is timely with the shutoff of the natural gas by the Russians. I’ve read that energy costs in Europe will be high this Winter. Necessity is the Mother of Invention. People are being forced to see this realistic energy source.

    He uses the phrase, “Fear is the Mind Killer.” I guess he has read Dune.

    1. even before Putin’s Excellent Adventure, the irony of Germany buying filthy Polish coal-fired power after mothballing its fleet in knee-jerk to Fukushima was hard to witness.

      bravo Mr. Stone

  2. I watched NUCLEAR the California premiere in Menlo Park on September 19, 2022. Definitely a must-see movie. Here are some updates as of January 23, 2023:
    1. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/18/oliver-stone-slams-environmental-movement-over-actions-on-nuclear.html
    2. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/18/business/dealbook/oliver-stone-nuclear-davos-wef.html (I liked the reporter noting that the Davos crowd was interested enough that there were people sitting on the floor in order to watch the movie.)
    3: https://www.barrons.com/articles/energy-nuclear-power-climate-51674249399

    1. Gene:

      FYI, the film producers have updated the name. Its current title is “Nuclear Now!” I believe that new title is much better as it projects a sense of urgency and an action that should be taken.

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