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John Hanger Credits Low Natural Gas Prices For Helping US Reduce CO2 Emissions in 2012

…n the climate. DCFC Technology over view – FAQs on DCFCs by Dr. John Cooper – John Tucker There is still some uncertainty surrounding the reductions with gas. I think he is correct – but unfortunately coal exports also increased for the period so who is to say where we are in the grand scheme – slightly better off perhaps but n…


What a waste – Vermont Yankee is in beautiful condition

…the proposed owner of the plant was not an out of state corporation but a cooperative of local residents? (I’m just throwing out ideas here.) Of course, any cooperative needs financing, but remember, the product that VY manufactures is not going out of style. I am pretty certain that the recent low prices for electricity are an artifact of unusual coincidences that are already starting to be overcome by reality. There are few fossil fuel resource…

Curious Meeting to Take Place in Vermont on July 14. NRC Chairman Jaczko Invites Some Community Leaders, Excludes Others

…supportive of the technology. I will agree that if the reactor operator is cooperating with the bomb maker, you can produce nuclear weapons useful material in almost any kind of critical reactor. There is a HUGE difference between that statement and the notion that used commercial nuclear fuel is useful. The way that a cooperative reactor operator can produce weapons useful fuel is to operate the reactor intermittently and uneconomically, taking a…

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Theo Simon and George Monbiot – Rational discussion about nuclear energy development

…at human development is best when people work locally, individually and in cooperation with their immediate communities. Both of them have spent their lives trying to resist over development, destructive technologies, and concentrated power. However, in the past few years, Monbiot has shifted his position on nuclear energy from strong opposition to reluctant support. He has done a thorough job of explaining that positional shift on his blog and in…

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Atomic Show #257 – Rich Powell, Managing Director Policy and Strategy ClearPath Foundation

…ervatives from both major parties in the US will see that providing clean, cheap, sustainable energy that is abundant enough to share widely with everyone is a goal that is ripe for both political cooperation and non-partisan competition to see who can do the most to enable success. Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:10 — 54.3MB) Subscribe: RSS…


Oil Road and Carbon Democracy – Actinides could disrupt corrupt establishment

…”. Compared to oil and gas, successful use of nuclear energy rests more on cooperative, well-trained, independently thinking workers than on militarily enforced control over resources. Pipeline politics are not an effective means of controlling political behavior when the fuel resources have such dense concentrations of energy that they can be effectively moved using a variety of transport mechanisms, including backpack if necessary. Note: If bree…


Audit the NRC

…gy Corp.’s Perry plant near Cleveland and Nebraska Public Power District’s Cooper plant 64 miles south of Omaha were almost exposed to “significant doses” of radiation due to ‘human-performance-type’’ errors, he said. (Emphasis added.) Can you understand why I am still trembling as I think about chairman’s budget restraint strategy and the muted response by the industry? Of course, the industry leaders are in a tough situation – if they are sharpl…

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Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association and Marcellus Shale Coalition join antinuclear “citizens group”

…ince oil and gas suppliers that Beaver Valley and other nuclear plants should be seen as partners in the effort to increase exports of valuable Pennsylvania products. Such cooperation capitalizes on the state’s core competencies and brings a growing stream of outside money into the state….


Antinuclear activists don’t like continued storage rule

Several of the usual suspects — including Dr. Mark Cooper, Dr. Arjun Makhijani, and Diane Curran — have banded together to assert their opinion that the NRC’s recently issued NUREG-2157, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel, violates the following provision of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. In connection with applications for licenses to operate production or utilization facilities, the applicant shal…

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Furious About Fossil Fuel Funded Fukushima Frenzy

…t trying to reach a wider audience is worth exploring in more detail. More cooperation and organization would certainly help, as well as expanding the scope of the issues covered. John Englert @ Rod They included some DOE/NNSA one-year dose estimates from about a month after the accident that I haven’t found on the DOE site anymore. Overall, I’m not that impressed with the US government’s efforts in communicating correct information to the public….


Would a third party candidate use “N” word in debates on energy alternatives?

…maintain the operating temperature of the cell). FAQs on DCFCs by Dr. John Cooper – Robert Steinhaus @Rod – There is significant advantage in a high efficiency process that extracts the chemical energy in coal while producing electricity without burning the coal. DCFCs are such a technology which achieves energy conversion (~80%) efficiencies which are double the efficie…

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Talk of electric power grid demise is wrong

…the Chinese (PV-panels) and new much smaller utilities (the private home, cooperation house owner / tenants, neighbors, the village, etc) . However such small utilities can grow and become a threat for the major utilities, as the wellknown Schönau utilitiy shows. That cooperation started in the village of Schönau but now offers 100% renewable electricity everywhere in the country, pushing the ‘old’ major utilities away with its high grow rate. Th…

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