Search Results for: %22mark cooper%22


American’s Nuclear (Power) Program Is Way Behind Russia’s

…don’t want to walk away from them, so we’ve got to do something for them. (Cooper warns about time) But the price of coal is down worldwide. So we have to look at this comprehensively and that’s exactly what I have proposed. (Cooper warns again) I hope you will go to and review my entire policy. Unlike all other questions asked during the debate, there was no redirect, no follow-up and no additional discussion. Instead, the mode…

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Nuclear focused investment fund proposal

…George on the letter to the editor suggested that a cooperative utility (co-op) model might work better for financing nuclear plants. That way the people who invest – or their beneficiaries – would be the ones who most directly benefit. Here is my response to the original letter with a riff on George’s idea. Though I am perhaps one of the most vocal nuclear supporters on the web, I have to agree with George. The cooperative…

Electric Power Industry Scrapping Over Government Handouts and Mandates

…regulated utilities with a large nuclear power plant fleet, electric power cooperatives with a balanced mix of purchased power, coal, gas and hydro, and many other combinations of regulated versus merchant and various fuel sources/generating technologies. As Peter points out, there are many “sides” in this discussion and the specifics of the language adopted can have a large economic cost or benefit depending on the specific situation of the elect…

Experience Power with a healthy dose of microgrids, hydrogen and nuclear energy information

Experience Power with a healthy dose of microgrids, hydrogen and nuclear energy information

…how the DOE, industry and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) are cooperating to ensure that plants continue to operate safely and reliably. Several have already received subsequent license renewals that allow the plants to operate for up to 80 years, but there is no reason to believe that is the ultimate limit. There is already discussion about the activities needed to enable operation to 100 yrs. The DOE is supporting efforts to enable…

ANS Winter Meeting observations – morning session of Day 1

…xpansion of the industry. They told us that they look forward to continued cooperation and a bipartisan effort to figure out ways around a rather sticky issue – the new Senate majority leader will be Senator Reid of Nevada. Senator Reid has been fighting Yucca Mountain for years. As Senator Domenici quipped – he did not think that Senator Reid was going to wake up one morning and say (the words may not be exact, I did not record the session) “Now…

Natural Gas Industry Is Selling Its Product With A Specialized Energy And Environment News Channel

…h the Clean Skies News interview with the American Gas Association’s Roger Cooper that I have embedded above. Taken in isolation, it is a pretty standard news interview with a guest who has a point of view. Ms. McInnis does a good journalistic job in letting the guest state his views and positions without imposing her own views. My own take away from the interview is a bit different. Please do not misunderstand me, I am not anti-gas and often reco…

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Rockefeller Foundation’s hefty influence on education. Propagating fears about health effect of low dose radiation

…rkers. To help the New York University–Bellevue Medical Center develop the cooperative teaching and research program on the industrial and public health aspects of radiation hazards over the ten-year period beginning January 1, 1958, The Rockefeller Foundation in 1958 made available $500,000 appropriated for this purpose in 1957. Other grants in the same amount were made in 1957 to Harvard University, the Johns Hopkins University and the Universit…

Quick Update About PBMR

…n the following articles: United States and South Africa Sign Agreement on Cooperation in Nuclear Energy Research and Development Energy Sec Chu saves PBMR Pebble Bed Project US to co-operate in PBMR development Of interesting note, this new agreement will extend an already cooperative relationship. The US Department of Energy is already close to testing some of the TRISO coated fuel particles produced in South Africa. The particles are already in…

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Tale of two Chinas – One surging forward, one retreating

…ned a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with South Africa on nuclear power cooperation. It will soon sign an MOU with Saudi Arabia on nuclear power and renewable energy cooperation. China also has several small, simple reactor designs that may soon be serving in a number of places where 1000 MWe class nuclear plants cannot fit. Bottom line. Once again Jaczko is wrong. He has arrogantly — and incorrectly — assumed that his efforts in the United Sta…

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Nuclear less risky than natural gas – for customers

…have operated for at least another decade or two without any major issues. Cooper is a sociologist pretending to be an economist who has no understanding of the technology that he is writing about. PS – every power plant, no matter what technology it uses, can be properly referred to as “aging”. So what? jaagu I think Mark Cooper makes some valid points. Discuss the points not the messenger. Nuclear plants have had some very expensive repairs. Som…

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Smoking gun – Russia’s plan to dominate energy markets

…ajor world nuclear technology suppliers. “Our advantage is that we started cooperation with China before our competitors did, and now we may present the real fruits of the cooperation.” October 12, 2011 • 9:53AM The 16th Regular Russian-Chinese Prime-Ministerial Meeting, held between Premier Wen Jiabao and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin “We shall develop closer cooperation in nuclear power, and I emphasize that this will be on the basis of the most…

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Nova’s “Uranium – Twisting the Dragon’s Tail”

…gram secret until outed by internal dissidents. The Iranians have not been cooperative with the IAEA. I don’t know for a fact Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons. I do believe they want all of their neighbors in the region to believe the Iranians are capable of such technology. This may allow them to intimidate their neighbors, or something. Anyway, its all coming down to a slow-developing three-way (or more) regional civil war. You migh…

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