Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Alexis Kaplan at

It is always a pleasure to discover another blogger who is writing about nuclear energy from a perspective of knowledge and sound research. I have recently begun reading a new blog titled Go4Nuclear’s Blog. It is being produced by a nuclear engineering student from the University of California at Berkeley. Here is an excerpt from…

Another Artist for Nuclear Energy – Introducing pop atomic

It has been a long running tradition in the small, but growing world of pro-nuclear bloggers to give a shoutout, link and welcome to newly discovered bloggers who are writing about nuclear energy in a positive light. Eric McErlain, who was blogging at NEI Nuclear Notes at the time, introduced this technique and it has…

Another Blogger For Nuclear Energy – Meredith Angwin at Yes Vermont Yankee

This morning I discovered a new blog for nuclear energy called Yes Vermont Yankee. It is published by Meredith Angwin, a woman who has provided the following information about her background in the energy industry: No. I am Meredith Angwin, a physical chemist. I have worked most of my life for the power industry. My…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Dialogs

It has been a few months since I noticed a new pro-nuclear blogger on the web, but I just came across a new blog titled Nuclear Dialogs, published by Patrick McEwen. Patrick is a University of Wisconsin nuclear engineering student who also participated in his high school debate program. He has written for The Badger…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Learning About Energy

It is with great pleasure that I provide a somewhat tardy welcome to what might become one of the most referenced energy information sources in the blogosphere. Ted Rockwell has decided that it is time to try his hand at “new media” and share his 60+ years worth of energy industry experience at Learning About…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – NuclearActive

I want to welcome Dr. John D. Johnson to the world of pro-nuclear bloggers. He has a nicely designed site at Please go over and say hello. Hat tip to Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat, who pointed to NuclearActive with a recent Twitter post from djysrv. I have also added Virginia Energy Independence Alliance…

Another Group of Bloggers for Nuclear Energy – Clean Energy Insight

In May, I attended a gathering of the North American Young Generations in Nuclear (NA-YGN) and had the opportunity to spend a good deal of time talking with a group of engineers from Charlotte, NC, which is quickly becoming a bustling hub of activity in fields associated with atomic energy development. This group, once they…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Brunette

My trip to Atlanta for the ANS meeting has already been proven to be completely worthwhile – at least in my psychic accounting system. Dan Yurman (Idaho Samizdat), John Wheeler (This Week In Nuclear) and I (The Atomic Show) participated in a lively panel discussion – with passionate commentary from the audience from Kirk Sorensen…

Another Blogger (and Environmentalist) for Nuclear Energy –

A friend sent me a link that once again indicated that the Internet, despite search engines and alerts, is still a source of content and opinions that is so vast you can still find surprises about even a very narrowly focused topic. I have been publishing and researching articles and commentary about atomic energy for…

Another Blogger (and Environmentalist) for Nuclear Energy – Our Green Empire

Darren and Heather McLaughlin are the editors of Our Green Empire which describes itself by the following profile statement: Our Green Empire is a blog devoted to eco-friendly solutions for modern living. The environment is our friend, and sustainability is our goal. Here is an example quote from a March 4, 2009 blog titled Nuclear…