Another Blogger (and Environmentalist) for Nuclear Energy – Our Green Empire
Darren and Heather McLaughlin are the editors of Our Green Empire which describes itself by the following profile statement:
Our Green Empire is a blog devoted to eco-friendly solutions for modern living. The environment is our friend, and sustainability is our goal.
Here is an example quote from a March 4, 2009 blog titled Nuclear Energy Use In The United States:
Any essential energy for our country must surely possess the following qualities. It must be scalable affordable, and safe. Not only that, but our new clean energy source must also be clean, that’s to say producing such energy shouldn’t cause an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and shouldn’t contribute negatively to climate change.
Which of the current proposed clean technologies possesses enough of these qualities to be considered a premier alternative to our current coal-producing power plants? Nuclear has to be considered a top contender. Certainly it’s not a renewable or sustainable energy source like solar or wind, but despite its drawbacks, nuclear energy represents a nearly perfect way for our highly developed nation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly and permanently at an affordable cost.
In order for the United States to invest more heavily in nuclear energy, a movement has to begin to gather steam.
There is more where that came from. So far, their blog has three posts about nuclear energy and all are worth reading and considering. Here is the concluding paragraph from one titled Nuclear Energy Pros and Cons:
A revamped nuclear industry with an emphasis on safety could solve the problem of greenhouse gases as well as stimulate employment of high-paying and stable jobs. Both of these possibilities are critical to the development of the United States.
Go and visit Darren and Heather and say hello.