Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Dialogs
It has been a few months since I noticed a new pro-nuclear blogger on the web, but I just came across a new blog titled Nuclear Dialogs, published by Patrick McEwen. Patrick is a University of Wisconsin nuclear engineering student who also participated in his high school debate program. He has written for The Badger Herald and decided that the column limits would not allow him to cover all of the information that he wanted to discuss.
I encourage you to visit his December 21, 2009 post titled Nuclear Dialogs: In the Beginning to learn more about him and welcome him to the community. He has already posted several additional blogs; I hope that is not just because school is out of session and he has more free time now than he will once classes start.
PS – I have a soft spot in my heart for University of Wisconsin nuclear engineering students. A couple of them were influential in turning Atomic Insights from a paper newsletter into a web publication in late 1995. They (Sama Bilbao y Leon and Paul Wilson) also figured out a way to host the site on university computers for the first couple of years that it was on the web.
Thank you very much for the publicity for my blog.
While I’m sure I will be blogging more often while school is still out of session, with the free time I will gain now that marching band season over I think multiple posts a week will be the norm.