1. Rod, thank you for introducing me to this artist!

    When I started my Yes Vermont Yankee blog, I seriously considered hiding my name. I talked about it to friends, emailed family members, etc. I earn a living locally. I didn’t expect my home to be attacked, but I was (and am) afraid of “you’ll never work in this town again.” I finally decided that being a somewhat political blogger while hiding behind a pseudonym didn’t feel right. So there’s the blog, and there’s my name, and the world hasn’t ended.

    By the way, another pro-nuclear advocate emailed me about why he hides his name. Same deal. He needs to get work from local people,

    So far, my choice has been okay. I was afraid when I started. I can understand why people decide not to share their names. I think it is easier for people who already work in the nuclear industry to blog about it. However, if only nuclear employees blog in favor of nuclear energy, that would be a situation with its own problems.

  2. Meredith – I am glad that you decided to use your own name and be open about your enthusiasm for the technology. I think there are a lot more supporters out there than most nuclear people have been trained to believe there are. For many years, when I got involved in conversations with nukes, they would make statements that made me believe they felt embattled. I have spent a lot of my professional career way outside of the nuclear industry and lived in areas a long way from nuclear power plants. Most of the time, the response that I got from groups like Rotary, Kiwanis, churches, and schools was active interest and curiosity about a subject that they have never learned much about.

    I think one thing that hurt nuclear technology was the way that it grew up in remote communities. It did not help that a significant portion of the people who deeply understand nuclear fission power plants were trained by an organization that seems to believe that the second law of thermodynamics should be classified because it happens to be a component of the training program for submarine propulsion operators. (I always thought that was a silly policy that was actually designed to make it easier for lazy instructors to monitor student homework – by keeping the books classified, they prevented anyone from taking them home and working there.)

  3. While it is true that there is a more support, or at least less opposition than there used to be for nuclear energy, there still is a proper time and place for the topic, and negotiating a service contract with a firm who makes its living selling B2B into the renewables sector is not one of them. Here in Quebec the same applies for our never-ending debate over remaining a Provence of Canada, or becoming an independent nation. Everyone holds a very strong opinion on the subject, but it is recognized by both sides that where an individual stands should not be permitted to interfere with the normal conduct of business, and one is expected to be discreet about one’s position in certain situations.

    There is a price too that one has to pay working under a pseudonym, in that you give up a certain amount of credibility, and constantly need to defend your anonymity against the running criticism that you lack conviction.

  4. Thanks for the interesting feedback regarding anonymity and pro-nuclear advocacy. I have several reasons for remaining veiled in my efforts to develop PopAtomic into a full blown public art campaign.

    First, out of respect for several art organizations that I am affiliated with, I do not want to directly link their efforts with my own. Like I mention on the website, in my community a pro-nuclear stance is almost unheard of, and my views could potentially cause damage to the reputations of others or even cause them to lose financial support.

    Second, I want to give the art work time to develop and take hold on it’s own. This work it about clean energy, public and environmental health and creating really great imagery that opens people up to learning more about nuclear energy, rather than my personal identity as an artist. I am also working as a leader of a team of artists and do not deserve credit for all of the images.

    Eventually I will proudly share my identity, I am just waiting until the time is right!

  5. Good thinking DV82XL, I just enabled the comments on the blog but it might tale a few days before it is up and running (according to the provider), but I hope that you will keep up with the project and continue to offer thoughts and ideas!


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