Virginia Nuclear Energy Summit Report 1

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  1. This was a good positive article. After the last few, perhaps it was needed.

    “and offers a summer study abroad program in Dresden, Germany, that provides students the opportunity to operate a reactor for experiments.”

    It seems sort of unusual that students would travel to anti nuclear Germany to study for a nuclear future.

  2. Dr. Bilbao’s concern about graduates not finding work is a good one. I know of many NucE’s (ranging from BS to PhD) that can’t find work, or at least aren’t finding it quickly after graduation (8 to 12 months to find a job). The looming shutdowns will only make it harder for young graduates to find jobs as more people with more experience suddenly be entering the job market.

    It’s sad to say, but if I were back in school and pursuing a degree in NucE I would be pursuing something else at the same time (like EE, they always seem to be in demand).

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