1. I provided the lyrics for that well know Battle Hymn melody:

    The cosmic forces reigned upon us ever since the bang
    All the elements held promise. How the Alchemists have sang.
    The God called Thor was destined more than thunder to his name.
    The power of Thorium.

    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    Lasting Through all kinds of weather
    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    The Nuclear Quest Rolls On

    What was in Curie’s pocket? What was Einstein’s M-C squared?
    With Rutherford’s experiments the groundwork was prepared.
    But greed and lust for power near annihilation spared.
    The Nuclear Quest rolled on.

    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    Lasting Through all kinds of weather
    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    The Nuclear Quest Rolls On

    The ice caps are all melting, as the water levels rise
    The ocean’s getting sicker. Hear the bird and mammal cries.
    The Green’s and Anti Nukes have had a field day with their lies
    But the truth is marching on.

    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    Lasting Through all kinds of weather
    Nuclear Power Lasts Forever
    The Nuclear Quest Rolls On

  2. I’d like to say the “Nuclear Quest is Over” but it’s the “Nuclear Quest Rolls On”

  3. “The ice caps are all melting, as the water levels rise
    The ocean’s getting sicker. Hear the bird and mammal cries.
    The Green’s and Anti Nukes have had a field day with their lies
    But the truth is marching on.”

    I like this better,

    The ice caps are all melting, as the water levels rise
    The ocean’s getting sicker. Hear the bird and mammal cries.
    The air is getting thicker from the residue of fire
    But nuclear could solve it all.

    I’m more about message than rhyme.

  4. It would have made a great news story if the Sierra Club (employees) “ran away” because they knew about our march. But unfortunately, it wasn’t true. There were people working in their office, although it may have been a smaller than usual number. We ended up going up to their 13th floor office (security didn’t stop us). We sung the nuclear “Battle Hymn” song (loudly) at the reception desk. We started to wander into the cubicle area and an angry woman informed us that we were legally trespassing, so we packed it in and left.

    We couldn’t even get into the Greenpeace or NRDC offices; the buildings themselves were closed off. Their offices were interesting (esp. Greenpeace). They are in these non-descript, locked buildings, with no signs or anything advertising their presence. (Almost like they’re secret organizations.)

    A few of us sat down and blocked the front (revolving) door to the building that NRDC was in. Security didn’t force us out or call the police. The truth is that there was a back door that people could get in and out of if they really needed to. But we still could make a statement.

  5. It would have been interesting if Greenpeace had complained about trespassing.

  6. Thanks EP. It’s a parody after all to a public domain melody not the next hit song. “Nuclear” is pretty close and it is unapologetic which we need more of.

  7. Thanks Martin. How about

    The ice caps are all melting as the water levels rise
    The ocean’s getting sicker. Hear the bird and mammal cries.
    The air is getting thicker. Coal plants dirty up the skies
    Our savior is Nuclear.

  8. This whole thing kinda saddens me. Its an epic issue, energy, global warming…nuclear energy…plants closing…etc.

    A handful of people protest, because its all they can do. The beast they battle is just too strong, too large. The media ignores the protest, largely ignores the issue. Meanwhile,the clock ticks towards the inevitable closing of Diablo. And central cal burns, in an ominous demonstration of things to come.

    And no one reads the rhymes, or hears the songs.

    And two pathetic examples of humanity, both completely devoid of integrity, promise to place us back on the right path. Walls, jackboots targeting certain ethnic groups, torture, drones..special interests trumping science….lies and treasons. Purposely divided, bickering like schoolgirls, we obediently bend over and recite our lines.

    And a few people get loud over something that John Q couldn’t care less about, knows nothing about, and wouldn’t do anything about even if he did.

  9. It would be very interesting if these long time protesting organizations issued a statement on the march. The times have changed. Those who used to protest are now the establishment. It is very interesting that they were protested by grassroots organizations. I would think they would at least pause and ponder their positions.

    Maybe change does come from the bottom. It does not trickle down.

    Good article.

  10. “Atoms” work too, and “atomic” if you can fit 3 syllables.

    If you have to strain the scansion, you make it hard to sing.  These things take some tuning [pun intended].

  11. I like that better, but how about

    The ice caps are all melting as the water levels rise
    The ocean’s getting sicker. Hear the bird and mammal cries.
    The air is getting thicker. Coal plants dirty up the skies
    The earth needs Nuclear.

    the ice, the ocean, the air, the earth

    Together we have reached a verse that reads, that rhymes, that sings!

  12. I am really proud to be pro-nuclear today! Thank you thank you thank you to the March organizers and marchers who, FOR ONCE, beautifullybeautifully executed a page out of the (clearly effective) anti playbook, but FOR nuclear power. Plus, we have protest songs!


  13. Remember the war for Diablo
    That’s the kind where each of us belongs
    Though they may have one all the battles
    We had all the good songs!

    (let’s not be like that.)

  14. You’d better get rid of the lyrics, “have sang”. That’s ungrammatical.

    So how about a Popeye type song?

    Diablo the Canyon man
    The fire is in his hand
    Performing his mission
    With nuclear fission
    Diablo the Canyon man

    Redoing a startup
    Will perk all our hearts up
    The secret is in the can
    Shiver me timbers
    Control rods all limber
    Now put them in, Canyon Man.

  15. I just keep looking at those pictures.

    Never thought I would see people marching FOR nuclear power.

    Have been arguing for nuclear power for years but to see people marching in support is fantastic to see.

  16. You are correct, of course.  (Having my mind consumed with math I studied 3/4 of a lifetime ago is not good for my rate of typos.)

  17. I’m not sure what the tune should be for the second verse, but the first one gave me one hell of a guffaw!  Wouldn’t that be something to get on the evening TV news?

  18. You would’ve done far better trying to sit-in and knocking down the doors of the local media to demand that they listen to you past a joke than the feel-good futility of going after Greenpeace. I hope the next plant in jeopardy takes this as a clue.

  19. I found a melody to match “Those were the days”

    Remember that this war is for Diablo
    That’s the kind where each of us belongs
    Though they may have won most of the battles
    We can say we had all the good songs!

    These are the Days my friends.
    We think that they might end.
    Let’s hope and pray the human race survives.
    Diablo’s closing down because of Gov’nor Brpwn
    These are the days oh yes these are the days.

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