The Assay TV speaks with Rod Adams, Managing Partner of Nucleation Capital and Atomic Insights host
The Assay is a media project of the 121 Group, based in Hong Kong, that serves investors, fund managers and analysts who are involved with and/or investing in a wide range of mining ventures. As part of their efforts to bring a greater understanding of the complex markets that control the prospects of mining ventures, The Assay TV produces a video series with CEO interviews from all over the world. On February 16, Adam Thompson hosted Rod Adams in a wide-ranging conversation about nuclear energy, uranium and the emergence of advanced nuclear designs in the coming years. This is the beginning of an exploration of the growing concerns about where and how the advanced nuclear sector will secure their projected fuel supplies and the impact of the growth of SMRs and Gen IV develop on uranium miners.
You can watch this interview with Rod by clicking on the above video or at Youtube here.
Recent Comments from our Readers
I am also long on my SMR. Several friends also have some. Their recent press release outlined actual construction of…
Hi; Rod: As in the other ‘comments’, I am collaborating with Spacex to develop a compact megawatt-class mini-nuke for use…
Come on; these people are all flash, and no substance! Like so many of the “new, advanced nuclear” companies out…
@Michael Scarangella Speaking as someone who has been accused of being a “Nuclear Bro,” I think you are being harsh…
Hello Rod, If you happen to remember a guy with the handle, that was me – I kinda said…