(Re-)Creating Nuclear Fuel Demand in East Asia 1

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  1. Rod , you began with the key point , the traditional reluctance of pronuclear suporters to speak out.
    I agree with your proposal about the need for a marketing campaign but to make that work it needs three things , the vocal support of pronuclear community , the strong guidance of the pronuclear leadership and money. Get the first two and the money will follow.
    Why don’t the supporters speak out ? Do they lack a sense about how to proceed ? That would clearly be a leadership issue. Are they educated enough to talk to the public about the issues assuming the did have a road map formulated ? Throwing this to a marketing firm with out vocal support and strong leadership would be a waste of money. The firm are not nuclear advocates , they most likely produce a ineffective result. Thank you for your time.

  2. @Donald Ernst

    You make some good points. However, this article was written for the target audience of people in the nuclear fuel cycle business. As businessmen – ostensibly – they have a responsibility to learn how to best present their product and to find more customers eager to purchase it. That is part of running a business, especially a publicly traded business with stockholders who have put their faith into the managers they have hired.

    With regard to marketing, the NEI has recently developed a number of excellent commercials as part of a campaign that just needs some additional funding to make it spread outside of the Washington D. C. beltway. Ad Campaign Touts Marvels Of Atomic Technology With Tagline ‘Nuclear. Power The Extraordinary’.

    The industry needs to break out of its traditional, silent service influenced, mode of doing business. Leaders need to understand that they are in a competitive market with many energy alternatives. If they want to grow or even simply protect what they have, they need to break out of their cones and silos and figure out how to persuade the public that their product is valuable and worth purchasing.

    (Yeah, I know that the public does not buy power plants directly, but they sure do influence the purchase decision.)

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