The First Atomic Age: A Failure of Socialism
As atomic innovation and entrepreneurialism gains momentum, I thought it would be a good time to revisit an article that I wrote more than 21 years ago. It was first published in the January 1, 1995 issue of The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty.
The first Atomic Age began with high hopes, but it has languished, being replaced in succession by the Space Age, the Computer Age, and the Information Age. Atomic planes, trains, and remote power stations discussed by 1940s visionaries were never built. Atomic powered ships, able to operate for years without refilling their fuel supply have seen limited civilian and military application. Most are now museums or being laid up as anachronisms. Nuclear submarines, powered by compact engines able to push their massive bulk at high speeds for years without any atmospheric intake or exhaust are widely thought to be expensive Cold War relics with no real mission or lesson to offer.
Hype Versus Reality
Was it all hype? Were Dwight Eisenhower, Al Gore Sr., Issac Asimov, Alvin Weinberg, Leo Szilard, Enrico Fermi, Lewis Strauss, and H.G. Wells all hopelessly wrong in their predictions for a new source of abundant energy? If not, how did the present stagnation in the industry happen?
First the facts. Uranium is abundant. One indication of the enormity of the resource is that the U.S. has an existing stockpile of enriched uranium large enough to fuel over 1000 Trident class submarines for fifteen years. Another indication is that the price of natural uranium has fallen so low that domestic mining companies are crying for protection from foreign “dumping”.
Uranium, thorium and plutonium are concentrated energy sources. One pound of any of them contains as much potential energy as 2,000,000 pounds of oil or 2,600,000 pounds of high grade coal.
Uranium, thorium, and plutonium have all been used as fuel in fission reactors. Fission waste products weigh less than the initial metal used for fuel and are compact enough to be completely retained within the reactor core. Each year, we produce approximately 4000 tons of spent fuel from all 108 nuclear electric plants in the U.S. while a single 1000 megawatt electric (MWe) coal station produces that much ash every day.
A 1000 MWe nuclear power plant uses about seven pounds of fuel each day and produces no carbon dioxide. A 1000 MWe coal plant burns 11,000 tons of coal and produces 42,000 tons of waste gas every day.
A total of three people have been killed by nuclear accidents in the United States in the forty years that we have been operating power reactors. All three were killed in a single accident at an experimental military reactor in the early 1960’s. Not a single person has ever been killed handling the waste from a nuclear power station.
The Atomic Age was not stopped by protesters, mismanagement, technical hurdles, economic hurdles, or heavy regulations. All of these may have played a role, but they were more symptoms than causes. The true reason that atomic power has not yet fulfilled its promise is that the industry was established and operated as a socialist enterprise. Like all other experiments that prevent innovation, experimentation, and individual rewards it was doomed from the beginning.
Nationalized Atom
By 1946, the power available in the nucleus of certain heavy metals was well known. The extent of the heavy metal resource was not well understood, but there were indications that there were extensive deposits. The means for using the power were not yet known, but scientists and engineers were confident that the heat produced by fission could be put to good use. If atomic power had been like other technological developments, it should have been time for rapid innovation and eventual commercialization.
Unfortunately, politicians thought that atomic power was different. Although the basic science had been developed over a period of decades with most work taking place in European laboratories, American congressmen, secure in their belief that the United States was the world’s only remaining technological power, claimed atomic energy as domestic property. They also decided that no one but the government could be trusted with the awesome power contained in tiny atoms and nationalized the whole industry.
All nuclear knowledge was declared secret and U.S. scientists were forbidden to discuss their work with even such notable colleagues as Niels Bohr, whose liquid drop model of the nucleus had helped explain how fission worked, and Bertrand Goldschmidt, a French chemist who developed a plutonium extraction process as part of the Manhattan Project. Uranium gained a new name as “special nuclear material” and was declared to be federal property. Inventors of devices designed to use special nuclear material were required to give their patents to the government who would then decide on just compensation.
A commission was established to decide how best to proceed with the development of atomic energy. The commission was given the responsibility for the national laboratories that had developed atomic bombs. They took several years to decide how to organize themselves. Most of the scientists and engineers involved with the Manhattan Project returned to their pre-war duties while the Atomic Energy Commission was figuring out their priorities.
Within three years the Soviet Union exploded their first atomic weapon, making it obvious to the world that atomic energy was no longer an American monopoly. It took five years for Congress to recognize that fact and take action to loosen some of the controls established by the Atomic Energy Act of 1946.
Socialized Atom
Bureaucracies relinquish control reluctantly; many onerous provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 were retained when the new act was passed in 1954. The government maintained ownership of all special nuclear material and provided a means to license it to users who would then pay a “reasonable” fee to the government for its use. Of course, the fee was determined by bureaucrats based on complicated formulas and obscure cost accounting.
About the same time that the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 became law, the USS Nautilus reported that she was “Underway on nuclear power.” Her performance during the subsequent demonstration period made headlines. Her builders gained head of the line privileges at the Atomic Energy Commission which had to approve and license any new reactor designs.
Although the Nautilus’s power plant was functional, it had many limitations. It depended on keeping water under extreme pressure so that it would remain a liquid at temperatures far above the normal boiling point. The hot, high pressure water was a potential hazard with even small leaks in the lengthy piping systems. The valves, pumps and piping required specialized materials since hot water is an excellent solvent and is quite corrosive. The reactors needed fuel with a higher concentration of U-235 than was found in natural ores, requiring the use of a complex process of isotope separation.
Despite the difficulties, the pressurized water system was probably the best that could be rapidly produced under the technology constraints existing in 1950. It was suited for the specialized application of a submarine because it was far more capable than diesel engines combined with batteries for underwater operation and because the enrichment plants were already built and producing products for the weapons programs. There was no way that the submarine system could compete economically with engines burning oil costing less than $2.00 per barrel, assuming that air and exhaust space was freely available.
The President and certain Congressmen who were interested in using the new form of energy for civilian applications decided it was in our national interest to encourage the nuclear industry. From their point of view, the natural customer would be the electrical generating industry, one they were familiar with from the government’s involvement in public power projects. They invited some utility industry representatives to Washington to discuss their needs.
The contractors who had built the Nautilus, the Seawolf (a submarine with a sodium cooled reactor plant), and the land based prototypes were invited to the government discussion because of their obvious nuclear experience. The contractors involved in the government work were mammoth companies, used to doing things in a big way. Their governing economic philosophy seems to have been similar to those of the state agencies in the Soviet Union, i.e. if a piece of machinery is not economically competitive, make it bigger. This philosophy matched the economy of scale concept that the utility companies had been taught by Samuel Insull.
These three groups, utilities, contractors and government bureaucrats, decided where best to concentrate their efforts to develop civilian nuclear energy. The decisions seemed right to the queried group; light water reactors would be developed because they were proven energy producers, and they would be made bigger, assuming that would make them cheaper. The U.S. monopoly on enrichment services might have played a role in this decision. Some effort would be made to produce sodium cooled breeder reactors, these would be based on the Seawolf technology and on plutonium extraction technology from the weapons programs. These would also be made economical by increasing their size.
Bigger is Better?
Of course, many people with an interest in energy production were left out of this decision process. There were no farmers, railroad executives, airline operators, ocean shippers, steel mill operators, gold miners, or aluminum smelters at the table despite the fact that their industries are highly dependent on energy inputs. No invitations were issued to entrepreneurs or inventors. Because of the government’s secrecy about the technology, most of them did not even know that nuclear energy existed or that it could be used to meet their needs. Most of the mentioned groups still have no idea what nuclear fission could do for them.
The results of the socialistic decision are now clear. The bigger the plants got, the more complex they became. They became more complex to build because the increased size of critical components like pressure vessels, reactor coolant pumps, containments and steam generators made fabrication, inspection, and transportation uniquely difficult compared to other energy production systems. They became more complex to finance because the huge electricity factories required multi-company partnerships, large bond offerings and a whole coalition of banks. Raising billions for a single project is a time consuming and costly endeavor.
They became targets of intense opposition that seemed to intensify in the mistrust of government and major industry prevalent in the 1970s. Compared to other regulated industries, they became a nightmare for bureaucrats. Proof of safety became a difficult issue with heavy reliance on complex computer modeling techniques. Unlike commercial airliners, for example, reactors are simply too big and expensive to fully test. Regulators, given only the responsibility to ensure public safety, appear to feel that the best way to do their job is to make licensing as difficult as possible.
Because nuclear power plants are almost universally viewed as huge, capital intensive, risky, and potentially hazardous there have not been any new plants ordered in the United States since Gerald Ford was President.
Things might have turned out differently if atomic energy had been developed by entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial Atom
Suppose there had not been a Hitler or a Mussolini active in 1938 when Otto Hahn announced that he had found barium in the sample of uranium that he had bombarded with neutrons. Maybe Enrico Fermi would have stayed in Europe and continued his work, perhaps forming a research partnership with Leo Szilard, who had already filed a patent for a power producing reactor. Being scientists, they would have widely published the results of their experiments, demonstrating to the world that uranium was a potent new source of energy. Even if those individuals had gone on to other projects, others might have taken up the research.
A smart money man, perhaps one who had spent his life finding oil in difficult places, or one who had cut his teeth in a coal mine, or one who had spent a lifetime eking out small efficiency gains in oil burning steamships might have recognized the significance of a compact energy source and seen a way to turn this scientific knowledge into a useful and profitable product. He might have been enough of an inventor to see that fission could be a heat source able to function in any system normally heated by burning coal or oil. He would have recognized that some applications would be entirely new since fission needs no oxygen supply or means for routine dispersal of waste products.
An entrepreneur would keep his risks as low as possible. He would not have government insurance or contracts to bail him out if he failed. Any engines would be based on natural uranium since the enrichment process would be viewed as too risky and expensive to attempt. He would test his new product to ensure adequate safety. He might concentrate on finding premium markets where high margins would allow him to write off development costs in the shortest possible time.
He would do extensive research, seeking to determine where his product could beat the existing competition. He would base his decisions on both study and gut feel derived from extensive personal experience of how the world uses energy. A market for an atomic engine that would have been familiar to a 1940s entrepreneur would have been a high speed ocean liner, like the Queen Mary, which burned approximately 1000 tons of fossil fuel per day during Atlantic crossings.
Using the proceeds from sales to premium markets, he would push his developers to design products that could serve the widest possible market, knowing that diverse customers increase income and protect against cyclic economic pressures. Instead of moving toward bigger plants, he would have realized that smaller engines would find more customers. He might have tried limited enrichment at this point in order to reduce the size of his engines.
The money man would have understood that he had to tell people about this fantastic new product. Magazines, newspapers, television, radio, and billboards would all have been full of advertisements trumpeting the ability of atomic engines to push stackless, smooth running ships across the ocean for years without needing new fuel.
The entrepreneur would arrange special demonstrations for dignitaries and influential members of the media. He would work to attract additional investors for his capital hungry endeavors. He would develop partnerships and he would arrange for lease purchases of his engines for customers unwilling or unable to afford the initial capital expense.
Competitors would have surely appeared after seeing the success of the initial pioneer. They would develop better systems that could lure customers away from the established company. They, too, would look for ways to broaden the market. Some design standards would have been established to take advantages of the installed base of trained operators and suppliers while still allowing room for product differentiation.
The industry would have been attacked. There would have been people genuinely concerned about potential hazards and others more selfishly concerned about their jobs and investments with existing energy suppliers. The enormous industry involving the supply, transportation, storage and marketing of coal, natural gas, and oil would have been particularly vocal and possibly violent. The adolescent nuclear industry might have decided to form an industry group to lobby for its own interests and to refute bogus claims from the competition. They would commission studies and ensure that their advertising outlets provided balanced coverage of the hazards of their industry versus the competition.
There would probably have been some people who saw the leftovers from reactor operation as potent new raw materials and made arrangements to take the waste off the hands of the reactor owners. The reactor operators would probably have taken whatever price was offered by this budding scrap industry, preferring to concentrate on figuring out ways to take advantage of the new systems that were being offered by the engine manufacturers. The engine manufacturers might have become customers of the scrap industry for raw materials for new engines.
There would have probably been some notable accidents during the early phases of this new industry. The industry would have learned from the accidents and figured out ways to prevent their recurrence. Engineering societies would have played a strong role in establishing construction and operation codes. There might have been several pioneering companies that collapsed because of lack of vision, poor management, failure to recognize competition, or inability to correct design faults. This is probably the point where the government would have become involved. Up until then, the government would not have recognized what was going on in the exciting new industry.
This whole business might have gone on for years before anyone mentioned that the incredible energy available in uranium could be released fast enough for a militarily useful explosive. By that time, it would have been far too late to attempt to impose a government owned monopoly of “special nuclear materials.”
The above is speculative hindsight, of course, but it holds important lessons for us in 1994 as we work on new information systems, flat screen display panels, and options to fix a supposed crisis in medical care.
Even democratic governments are poor managers of new technology. They are worse when they choose a socialistic model for their enterprise. Governing bodies respond better to existing interests than they do to people with fresh ideas who want to alter the status quo. Because of their competing interests and regular changes of the guard, bureaucrats are doomed to fail in a pioneering effort that requires singleness of purpose and continuity of effort.
The solution is for the government to allow innovation to happen, keeping in mind its responsibility to respond to dangers to the common good. Whenever governments begin to protect chosen industries or work to encourage their development, they inevitably make decisions that have impacts they did not intend.
Perhaps it would be beneficial to fully open the debate about nuclear energy, this time allowing all interested parties to participate. The best forum for such a debate is the free market with its competition and ability to handle more decisions at one time than any politically selected management body. Although it is not recognized as such by liberals, the market is an ideal body for making tough decisions.
During the interval since I wrote “The First Atomic Age: A Failure of Socialism”, I’ve continued to learn. I’d probably write it a little differently today. However, it’s still a pretty good reflection of my interpretation of the reasons for the historical trajectory of nuclear energy. My prescription for the future hasn’t changed much; I’m still confident that innovation, creativity, free thinking, and a competitive desire to make the products that best meet customer needs.
A fascinating piece. I agree that there are some changes you could make, but it has withstood the test of time remarkably well.
It is worth noting that many of the decisionmaking individuals involved at the inception of US commercial nuclear power were Old America industrialists who adhered to the classic “Bigger is better” dictum.
I wonder how things would’ve turned out had people closer to today’s Silicon Valley high-tech types with their “Small is beautiful” been part of the process instead.
It was actually quite prescient for the explosion of new nuclear companies happening today. I think you can take credit Rod for doing new nuclear before it was cool.
What do you think happened in the case of General Atomic? Going by the history I’ve read it seemed to me starting with the TRIGA, they were the most entrepreneurial of the companies, reaching out to potential customers beyond the traditional electric utilities and forming Scallop Nuclear with Shell Oil. It seemed like they had a very Californian Silicon Valley vibe to them, and things were going great. Then, 3 mile island happened and that entrepreneurial spirit just up and evaporated.
In related news, tax credits for unreliables have been extended for a further 5 years. That’s $25 Billion for this period.
@Cavan Stone
Before Scallop Nuclear, General Atomics was Gulf General Atomics. My guess is that Gulf and Shell had no desire for the company’s HTRs to succeed, especially after OPEC successfully raised world oil price expectations by a factor of 4 in 1973-74.’s-view-a-negative-view-of-gas-reactors-htgr-needing-a-response/
What’s strange about that is that armed with HTGR Shell could have had a cost advantage on oil refining that none of its competitors could possibly duplicate. Had they moved forward they would have become the largest company in the world. Nuclear may compete on electricity but on trucks, automobiles, airplanes and PLASTICS there is no replacing oil. Any plot of mass or volume energy density of the various energy storage media can show you that. In a decade history will look back at the Shell Nuclear decisions and regard them as some of the biggest blunders of the 20th century.
@Cavan Stone
Those decisions were made when I was in middle school. From a business point of view, they were most likely correct.
Do you have any idea how many trillions of dollars in revenue have flowed into Shell’s coffers since 1973-74, partly as a result of the perceived scarcity of energy?
(During period of 2005-2014, Royal Dutch Shell’s cumulative revenue was $3.9 trillion or nearly $400 billion/yr. With fuel prices in the toilet (from a supplier’s point of view) I suspect its annual revenue will be closer to $220 billion this year.)
yeah, what Rod said. Let’s not shed a tear for Royal Dutch Shell – they ARE one of the biggest companies in the world, and have been for decades.
I just saw ‘Bridge of Spies’ and since every bit of history I know is from movies, it occurs to me that the cold war, and the drive to develop more powerful and H-bombs must have been a main driver in the government near-monopoly on information about nuclear power. Anything at all that was seen as giving an edge to the Soviets in that arena was kept close to the vest. A nuclear industry free to follow it’s path through the market would have effectively aided the Russians in development of their own nuclear industry, which would in turn mean more energy, more nuclear scientists and facilities, processing advances, miniaturization, applications, etc. It was just too close for comfort to the weapons industry for US cold warriors to loosen their grip.
Not saying it makes sense in retrospect, but the cold war distorted lots of decisions. (I just looked at a house for sale in Portland Oregon that has a concrete and steel bomb shelter in the backyard…just saying, people went a little bonkers in the 1950’s)
Rod I can’t comment on 1970’s Shell but take a look at current day Shell. In 2015 Shell derived $243 Billion in revenue from sales of refined petrochemicals which cost them $236 Billion to produce. They received $21 Billion in crude oil sales which cost them $15 Billion to produce. Both the market size and the costs involved with refined products are 10x larger than those for crude. I will concede that their margin on crude sales is larger, but I think it’s clear from the numbers that refining crude to finished product is their prime focus.
What this means is that Shell should be more concerned about the Crack spread difference between the price of crude and the price of refined products customers are willing to bear than the price of crude itself. It should be clear that the ideal situation for them is a high price of gasoline, a LOW price of crude, and a low cost to transform crude into gasoline. What they should want is a scarcity in oil refineries NOT a scarcity in energy.
In its current state, it would not be in the best interests of their share holders to oppose high temperature nuclear. In fact had they are monopoly on high temperature reactors now like they had back then it would confer into them an insurmountable cost advantage over their competitors that would simultaneously grow their margins AND market share.
I’m certain things were different in the 70s but now all the “experienced” executives still with the company should be kicking themselves for killing Scallop Nuclear.
I admit it’s a petty peeve, but I take issue with your labeling the way nuclear energy was deployed as “socialistic”. If anything it was the exact opposite, as (by your own reasoning) it alienated most of society from the decision process. In that sense a socialistic approach is exactly what we need: people should be educated and empowered to participate in the construction of energy policies.
Babcock and Wilcox built Three Mile Island.
General Atomics built Fort St. Vrain. The company still makes some money selling reports about paper reactors (which is about all they’ve done in the nuclear field since the company was purchased by Neal and Linden Blue in the mid-1980’s), but why should they care about nuclear power when manufacturing Predator drones is much better business these days.
swains – They’re still bonkers in Portland.
21 years ago, when I wrote that piece, my understanding of the meaning of “socialism” was based on examples of central planning like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Thank you for posting this. It is a much more extensive answer to my question in the other article than I had any reason to expect.
They should care about nuclear power because provided they can get the full lifecycle cost cheaper than coal there is a huge amount of money to be made. For example, using Robert Hargraves cost estimates for a Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), using MSR for process heat in oil refining would increase the value of Shell by ~$10B. Doing so with Chevron, would also in another ~$10B of value created. Replacing all the coal plants in the United States with MSR while pricing the electricity at the full lifecycle cost of the best competitor, combined cycle natural gas, would create more value on cost savings alone than to total market cap of the 3 largest companies, ExxonMobil, Google, and Apple combined, and this ignores all the benefits created by the pollution mitigation.
Cavan – If it’s so cheap, easy, and profitable, then you do it. You’ll be a billionaire.
Anybody can sit around on the internet and use naive estimates to sling darts of criticism at corporate decisions. Actually doing this stuff that you say is so wonderful requires real effort, risk, talent, and determination.
It’s the difference between science and science fiction.
Maybe I’m just glossing over the details when I ask this but France (and others) implemented their nuclear programs under socialist programs. Just focusing on France, though the Messmer plan was criticized for being autocratic, the results came out to be a strong success. How does one reconcile “failure” of an organizational system approach vs. human failures / mistakes made within that scope? Was it the people or the process or a little bit of both?
As an aside, the way things are going, capitalism is having a hard time stepping up to the plate all by itself to support nuclear. While fingers might be pointed to partly blame artificial factors that benefit competition, is it easier to change the rules for all the competition or ask for similar benefits the competition is enjoying?
With the current global problems of global warming including ocean acidification this should be a prime time for nuclear power to be making a resurgence.
Given that the power sources being built today are subsidized windmills and solar cells, it does appear that nuclear energy is being killed by socialism.
The dearth of new nuclear power plants being built and the early shutdown of older nuclear plants looks to be a failure of the free enterprise system.
I don’t think energy resources are being allocated in the optimum method for the best interests of the consumer.
Granted I don’t have the experimental proof of my assertion yet, but you asked why should GA care about nuclear and I answered with a credible theoretical prediction that their technology may be worth something significant. I’m curious what answer were you expecting? Do you beleive the correct answer is that GA should just condemn all the research in this field to the dustbin of history?
JasonC makes a very interesting point. Rod may I suggest a post about What is different about France that enables most of its LWR to survive while more than I prefer are being VOLUNTARILY (at least ostensibly) shutdown by plant owners in the United States. This fact does seem to contradict your socialism destroyed nuclear hyopethesis. While our discussion on SI units on how certain companies that have been huge collectors of government largess exhibit economically inefficient behavior appears to support the anti-socialist hypothesis. The rabbit hole gets deeper.
Perhaps the ineptitude of central planning is just evenly spread over there such that each energy source actually competes on a level playing field maybe?
Asking about France’s nuclear build out is a legitimate question.
I carefully did not refer to it as a success, though it did result in several decades worth of having a grid that was virtually fossil fuel and CO2 emission free.
Some of the problems associated with achieving that situation are starting to become more visible. It’s been more than 20 years since the French have completed a nuclear plant at home; I’m not positive, but I think that is also true for their international efforts.
They are struggling mightily with all of their EPR projects, though the two units in China seem to be progressing reasonably well.
Their recently elected president has made numerous public statements, both before and after the election, about reducing the nuclear energy portion of the electricity supply down to 50%. Apparently, that position is not terribly unpopular or he would not have been elected in the first place.
France also fenced nuclear energy into a small niche in the energy supply. They have a small fleet of nuclear submarines, but no nuclear powered shipping and no nuclear process heat to speak of.
As I tried to explain in my article, I can envision an almost unlimited scope of innovation for fission. Socialism can appear to be successful within certain bounds, but it cannot achieve the kinds of innovation that are possible in a more entrepreneurial economy.
I remember this article when I used to subscribe to The Freeman.
Well don, Rod!
Cavan – Yes, yes, but I’m trying to explain to you what GA is like today.
The best thing that GA could do is sell most of its intellectual property (and there is quite a bit of it) to a company that actually wants to build new nuclear plants.
The owners know that while it still owns this information it can still make trickles of money selling yet more reports on paper reactors to the DOE.
Very insightful article. Still has fresh ideas. I wonder if the term “bureaucracy” might replace “soacialism.”
I see how private ownership could lead to better innovation. I also see how governments unfairly bailed out of some failing government run companies forcing new companies to inherit a nuclear industry that was developed mis-managed by bureaucrats. This locked in a regulatory system that was also led astray.
We see the lack of expert opinion circulating. It is unfortunate that mis-information is the new normal. Otherwise we might be able to get back on track. Considering that your views still hold up it does appear as though the renaissance we have been waiting for will be in Gen IV reactors of the SMR variety.