Shoreham Chapter 6 – Logical inconsistency: Wanting clean air while fighting to shut down nuclear
Ray has released Chapter 6 of the Shoreham saga. Unlike some filmmakers, he has allowed plenty of time for even slow readers to fully read the front matter on this chapter, so either be patient or skip ahead to about minute 1:20 to watch the action start.
The stars in this section include Harvey Wasserman, a self-proclaimed “key architect of the antinuclear movement and solartopia”, Rod Adams, an adamant atomic energy advocate, and Patrick Moore, one of the founders of Greenpeace who now works to promote the increased use of nuclear energy.
Disclaimer: Patrick Moore is employed by the Clean And Safe Energy (CASEnergy) Coalition, which is funded by the Nuclear Energy Institute. That does not negate the truth of what he says. I wish that the nuclear industry would hire dozens more like him.
I am a nuclear professional whose job does not include any responsibility for promoting nuclear energy. I do it on my own time and do not speak for the company that pays my day-job salary. I fully understand, however, that my long term employment prospects and the jobs of hundreds of my best friends and colleagues depends on more people working to effectively propagate information about the significant benefits that atomic energy brings to human society. End Disclaimer.