1. This is really great. Thanks for keeping us updated Rod.

    I’m particularly happy that they have a Cafe Press site up and running. That’s really helpful for anyone trying to put together showings, as well as a great way to contribute.

    I hope to be keeping up with updates about the documentaries. These independent filmmakers really have to pour their hearts into the effort.

  2. I am pretty sure it is illegal for me to distribute this film for commercial purposes, due to all of the third party content that is in the film.

    Feel free to purchase the merchandise from cafepress.com/RaySquirrel

    Also the motion picture soundtrack should be available to purchase on iTunes or amazonMP3 within the next month.

  3. I knew about Patrick Moore but did not know about Stephen Tindale leaving Greenpeace for the same reason as Moore. Love that.

    Great piece of info.

    As far as the evacuation issue regarding Shoreham, civil nuclear power gives you ‘time’ to evacuate. A luxury that coal, gas, hydro and oil plants do not give you. When those go, you are history.

  4. Brian,

    You would have loved being on Interstate 91 in Vermont friday morning last. All three windfarms I saw on mountain tops had idled wind turbines. None were turning.

  5. Something good could come out of what is left of Shoreham – turn it into a National Nuclear Power Museum. Most people will never see inside of one and why not open up the place with informative exhibits? The admission charge could help with the expense – though not much, because it would have to be nearly 100 dollars a person to pay the 6 million. by the way, is there any such facility in existence today?

    PS: If not Shoreham, could the Zion units be used for such a place? That would save having to wreck all that concrete.

  6. @Bob – unfortunately, it is not 6 million, but 6 BILLION that would have to be made up. However, that cost is sunk, so any income from operating a nuclear power exhibition might help. Of course, that would require a staff, etc.

    It is an interesting idea, but probably quite unworkable. The citizens of Long Island would probably rise up in protest about the traffic if there was any significant attendance.

  7. I wasn’t aware of any catastrophic accidents at coal-fired power plants. Aren’t almost all deaths associated with coal connected either to pollution or to coal mining?

  8. Maybe the DoD and FBI could find a use for it as a training facility. They could practice regaining facilities that have been seized by terrorists.

  9. I don’t it would be a good idea to even give anyone the idea that a nuclear facility could be seized by terrorists, the antis stir up enough implausable scenarios already.

    I like the museum idea though, since you wouldn’t have to deal with the security that makes visiting an actual nuclear station so difficult.

  10. Daniel – Last month I had the dubious pleasure of driving through the middle of the Texas panhandle.

    Texas is the US’s leader in new wind capacity, much of it in the the windy panhandle region. If I had a dime for every motionless wind turbine I passed (this is the air-conditioning season down south, remember), I could have easily payed for the gas that I used driving through this barren region.

  11. And David, let’s stretch the above statement a notch and assert that the waste from a nuclear plant would not be any more palatable to terrorists if it were to transit from the plant to a repository like Yucca Mountain.

  12. My point wasn’t that there was any value in the nuclear material to the terrorists. My point was that if the general public heard that there was training going on simulating a terrorist take over of a nuclear plant then they would assume that it could happen, allowing the antis an opportunity for more fear mongering.

  13. I was thinking of putting together a virtual DVD with an extended cut of the film that could be digitally downloaded and burned onto a DVD.

  14. I’m not convinced that any possible re-use of the site will make up for the numerous careers destroyed and lives disrupted of many very fine people who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into getting that plant built and operational. Only to have a bunch of lousy SOBs come along and tear down their work. Anybody want to put a price tag on that?

  15. If I could rent the Shoreham site I would use it as a venue for a pro-nuclear film festival, projecting documentaries like Ray’s on the outside of the containment wall, and inviting energy-literate New Yorkers like Gwyneth Cravens and William Tucker to speak from the gutted turbine deck.

    The inside of containment could be a Museum of Energy Stupidity, with wax dummies of the Cuomos and Alec Baldwin greeting the visitors.

  16. And where is William Tucker? Has he retired ? I do not see him contributing to the American Spectator since April last!

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