Returning soon
Many days have passed since the last post here. Those of you who follow @Atomicrod on Twitter know that I have neither disappeared nor retired completely from the fray.
After the 4th of July, you should begin seeing more frequent, but still irregular updates here.
A word of advice based on recent learning experiences; I’ll never ever imply that stay at home parents don’t work. It’s an assignment full of varied, rewarding, exhausting and occasionally frustrating tasks. That combo makes it a lot like work.
Our charges return to the custody of their parents this weekend.
Will be glad to see your new insights.
In reality the most rewarding role and the reason for our concern for the environment.
I realise it’s a long time ago … but there’s still one more problem (at least) in
that Sovacool “analysis” of nuclear bird kills … (but I couldn’t add a comment to the original … you’ve probably closed them?).
Sovacool gives the mortality of Limerick at 0.261 deaths per GWh assuming 274 birds a year …
274/(1200e6*24*365*0.9/1e-9) = 0.0289 … he’s out by a factor of 10.
and as Paul’s article mentioned, it is two years, not 1 so …he was out by a factor of 20.