Search Results for: gas price

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Smoking Gun research continuing in earnest

…that I bought my wife 50 years ago. The setting, size diamond and even the PRICE is still the same, yet the price of gold is 35 times higher. Ponder that fact in relationship to the price of OIL, NG, Gold, and the rest of the “limited” quantity minerals. Someone, some organization other than “supply & demand” is controlling the price of essentially everything. Rich Lentz And, possibly Murdoch’s motive is purely monetary! Look at this from a differ…

The value of US coal exports is on the rise

…ilable if they want to continue meeting their service obligations. Natural gas prices are much higher than expected five years ago, coal prices are jumping, opposition to coal projects from environmental considerations is strengthening, and there are no breakthroughs in the dispersed and intermittent alternative power sources like wind and solar that would allow them to provide reliable, on-demand power. In other words, nuclear plant suppliers pro…


James Hansen takes stage at COP21 to explain carbon fee and dividend

…and stimulate gas demand, raising pre-fee (nearly said pre-tax) wholesale gas price. I fully support the fee-and-dividend approach, as it would clearly lead to a rapid emission reduction via all available paths, efficiency, fuel switching and investment in low-carbon technologies, in particular nuclear. Unlike cap-and-trade it does not reward existing polluters for becoming a little less polluting, but drives them out of business. BasG “a world w…

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Assembling reliable off grid power system for emergency preparedness

…plants operate primarily when the electricity price is very low as the costprice of the gas they then produce from the electricity (and CO2) is then below the price of natural gas. The decrease of lignite+coal and other fossil fuel burning for Germany’s electricity, is caused by the expansion of renewable and the energy efficiency targets of the Energiewende. Renewable expansion include the expansion of wind and solar generated electricity! Nuclea…

Who fights energy abundance? Why?

…and to promote the use of natural gas. Renewables cant run without natural gas as backup; natural gas without renewables cost much much less and produce less CO2. It is hard to believe that anyone could sell this scam. And contrary to “Disproven by most available sources on the topic.” even the Greens are starting to realize the energy poverty that they are inflicting upon the poor by promoting higher electricity prices to reduce consumption. From…

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Enormous differences between Southern Co & Solyndra

…lot less investment in renewables. At least for now. Longer term, assuming gas prices eventually go up, there would probably be a bit more focus on nuclear and less on renewables. The EIA and CBO pubslished an analysis (link below) of what would happen if dramatic (US) CO2 reductions were required and it was left to the market as to how to respond (i.e., if the lowest cost approach were taken). The results showed that nuclear would take the bigges…

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Smaller nuclear power plants can be beautiful, despite the opposition of the UCS

…ussia and Ukraine have major issues with each other (a.o. the level of the gas-price). after the initial whole thing is The play it down b The aid from Russia is Bas @ddpalmer I would be nice if you would read the rest of my post before writing a reaction based on the first sentence only. Bas @jmdesp Good work! Thanks for the link, it makes live easier! Of course it is most hydro as solar and wind are still in their infancy. E.g. Wind turbines are…

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Smoking gun – Antinuclear talking points coined by coal interests

…1963-1971 (University of California Press, 1992) (available for a bargain price of $1,981.46 per copy), adds a discussion about the coal industry’s efforts to prevent the renewal of the Price-Anderson Act, which was passed in 1957 as a temporary measure with a ten year sunset provision. That effort was part of “what Nucleonics Week called ‘no-holds-barred opposition to [the] AEC’s civilian nuclear power program.’” (p. 116) As the dispute escalate…


New testing rules benefit oil producers

…rom a summer 2010 crude oil price of about $75 per barrel to a spring 2011 price of $123 per barrel. Europe Brent spot price through 2013 In contrast, the consequences of the disaster at Fukushima, where an epic tsunami wiped out the power supplies for a nuclear power station and created a situation that destroyed four reactors — three of which were loaded with fuel and operating at the time the wave hit — has created a widespread slowdown in the…

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Virtual silence at “Golden Fleece” award news conference for SMRs

…xander talked about how SMRs could not hope to compete against the current price of natural gas, but that statement makes at least two incorrect assumptions. She assumes that natural is available in the locations that are already expressing strong interest in building small modular reactors and she assumes that the price of natural gas in those locations – if it is available at all – is similar to the price of natural gas at the trading hubs that…

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Pandora’s Promise and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – What we missed

…nerous subsidies, legislated mandates and preferences on the grid. So have prices. According to the International Energy Agency, “Electricity prices in Germany, especially for household consumers, are among the highest in Europe.” Between 2007 and 2011 constant prices increased by 40%. Only Denmark is higher. To recover the higher costs of wind and solar projects, investors receive a guarantee that the electricity they produce will be purchased at…

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Uranium supply concerns associated with EEU

…of current low prices to add physical inventory. That action will firm up prices and probably result in a gradual price increase. That would be good for customers over the long-term by encouraging more diversity among suppliers and less concentrated market power in the hands of countries that do not share the same goals as their customers. You might be skeptical about this risk. If so, it is not difficult to learn more about the behavior and moti…

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