Nuclear advocacy opportunity in Vermont – November 30
This is a Public Service Announcement.
November 30 Film and Panel at the Gund Institute
The Energy Education Project of the Ethan Allen Institute has two members of our Board of Advisors on the panel at an event sponsored by the Gund Institute at University of Vermont (UVM). The film and panel start at 4 p.m. Wednesday November 30 in room 427 of the Waterman Building at UVM. This is the administration building for the University and there is a visitor’s parking lot near it. Directions to the visitors parking lot are below.
Come and support them at this Wednesday!
About the Film and Panel
A UVM student, Hilary Archer, has directed a 30 minute film “Transparent Radiation.” The film premiered recently, and will be shown again at UVM on Wednesday, November 30 at 4 p.m. When Howard Shaffer heard there would be a panel discussing this film, he asked Ms. Archer if he could be on the panel, to present another point of view. She agreed, and she further agreed that Dr. Ed Maher could also be on the panel. Dr. Maher is the recent past president of the Health Physics Society. Other panel members will include Arnie Gundersen, engineer and anti-nuclear activist; John Todd, UVM Distinguished Lecturer: Nancy Todd, Editor, Annals of Earth; and possibly Crea Lintillhac.
The website of the Health Physics Society
A trailer for the film:
Event description at the Gund Institute website
Please come and learn and support Howard Shaffer and Ed Maher.
Directions to the Visitors Parking Lot
From I-89: Take Exit 14W into Burlington. Head west on Williston Road up hill. Turn right onto South Prospect Street. Take first left onto College Street. Take first left into visitor parking lot.
Please Support the Energy Education Project
If you want to support reasonable energy choices, please join the Energy Education Project! You can join by clicking the PayPal button on this page.
or sending a check to:
Energy Education Project c/o Ethan Allen Institute
4836 Kirby Mountain Road
Concord VT 05824
Membership is $30 per year, but all donations (greater and smaller) are very welcome!
Meredith Angwin
If you have further questions, you can reach Meredith at mjangwin at gmail
Just a FYI, not included in my email. Maggie Gundersen counts this as one of her favorite films.
You know that things are moving when the purchasing cycle is kicking !
‘After 34 years, the United States is expected to resume construction of nuclear reactors by the end of the year, and Toshiba Corp. will export turbine equipment for the reactors to that country early next month, it was learned Saturday.
According to sources, construction will begin by the year-end on the Nos. 3 and 4 reactors of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia and the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors of the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station in South Carolina.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is expected to shortly approve the construction and operation of the reactors, which have been designed by Westinghouse Electric Co., a subsidiary of Toshiba.’
And on the topic of plating trees 20 years ago for those who need shade today, I would draw a parallel with the commercial availability of SMR.
It is too bad the the synergy between technical vision and finance did not occur 20 years ago. It is however happening today, with 6 or 7 countries, which is the next best thing.
This will be a tipping point for nuclear energy.
I was watching football today and BP ran an ‘everything’s cool’ advertising on the Gulf of Mexico states.
What hey did not show was te 2,000 to 3,000 workers that will be busy for the next 4 years to clean up the mess of yesterday.
Nice ad I must admit.
Any news from yesterday’s event and the Gundersens ?