Important public events related to nuclear energy scheduled for week of April 23
Meredith Angwin, the energetic and caring pronuclear blogger at Yes Vermont Yankee shared the following message. It deserves wider notice so that the individual events attract the kinds of audiences that can make a difference in direction that the discussions take.
Three upcoming events need your attention and support. The local (New England) grid depends on nuclear power, but national anti-nuclear groups are bringing their campaigns to our doorsteps.
Remember: A charge unanswered is a charge believed! We must stand together against these prophets of gloom, doom and misinformation—your help is needed.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 24, 8-10 AM
WHAT: Vermont Yankee Power Struggle: Radio Panel, Northhampton, MA
WHERE: WHMP Radio with frequencies at AM1400/1240/1600 and FM96.9, broadcasting from Sylvester’s Restaurant in Northhampton, MA.
WHO: The Energy Education Project is sending Meredith Angwin and Richard Schmidt to defend nuclear energy and provide factual information about Vermont Yankee. Two people will speak against nuclear: Michael Daley, a long-time activist, and Jeff Napolitano, a civil disobedience trainer with the American Friends Service Committee
Listen, call in, attend in person! It will not stream on the web but will be podcast later.
Call-in number is 413-586-7140. Questions can also be posted in advance on the station’s Facebook page.
Meredith’s blog post on this: YES VERMONT YANKEE
WHEN: Wednesday, April 25, 7-9 PM
WHAT: Freeze Pilgrim Forum. Plymouth, MA
WHERE: Plymouth South Middle School, Plymouth, MA
WHO: Russell Gocht, PhD student at UMASS Lowell and ANS student member, will be opposite David Lochbaum of UCS. Expect Mr. Lochbaum to discuss his report on the NRC’s post Fukushima actions (on the UCS website).
Attend or Watch:
Opportunity: ANS-Outreach is seeking someone to live-tweet this event (honorarium & twitter tech assistance available)–email Laura Scheele for more information. (email address available upon request)
WHEN: Thursday, April 26, 6-9 PM
WHAT: Union of Concerned Scientists Town Hall Meeting—Nuclear Safety & Security in New England
WHERE: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Wong Auditorium, Tang Center, 70 Memorial Dr Cambridge, MA 02142
WHO: Dave Lochbaum, Director, UCS Nuclear Safety Project ; U.S. Representative Edward Markey (D-Malden); Ray Shadis, Consultant, New England Coalition; Mary Lampert, Director, Pilgrim Watch; Debbie Grinnell, Research Manager, C-10 Foundation
Attend this event! 10-20 MIT members of the ANS Student Section are expected to attend. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Event announcement: Safe and Green Energy Alliance website
They say that a specific culture has words of its own to describe the environment in which it lives. In Québec for example we have many words for snow. All sorts of f*****g snow. In Japan, they have the word Tsunami which is used the world over to describe the events that we know to occur in the Pacific Ocean.
With the phase out in Japan, this country will sadly witness voluntary deindustrialization. But I think they have a word for it already. Hara-kiri.
I think shutting down perfectly safe nuclear power plants all over the world is a form of modern & collective Hara-kiri. A voluntary and sad end of affairs describing a social disease where the uninformed lead the masses into doom.
Are we sick to our stomach ?
Charles Mackay could add a terrific chapter to his book : Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
Rod. Thank you for this publicity. It’s going to be a busy week. Russell Gocht is my newest hero!
According to your list, Rod, one of my old acquaintances from college who I’d lost contact with has apparently turned into an anti-nuclear activist.
But, I suppose, not unexpected given the hysterical atmosphere towards anything nuclear from where I once was from. Sad that people whom I once was friendly with, and whom presumably support science and technology and science- and reason-based policy in other areas go off and oppose nuclear energy.
Just another case of ideology and adherence to the party line disabling cognition, reason, and rational thought…sort of like a herd of lemmings following one another over the cliff. Depressing.
Dave S. If one of your college friends is one of the people we are debating on Tuesday a.m. (Daley and Napolitano), could you email me at mjangwin at gmail and tell me a little about him? I have found little trace on the web about these two people, so would like to know more.
Maybe the participants in these events could report how these events went. I, and probably others, have an absurdly demanding “day” (and night and weekend) job, but would still be very curious to learn how these debates/opportunities to raise facts turn out.