1. Smart ? I think not.

    Usually, rodents do not like light and after the Svinicki saga, the smart & savvy political move would have been to lay low.

    Dr J has friends. Political friends. Gone tomorrow.

    1. @Daniel – when I worked in DC, I often heard the following:

      If you want a loyal friend in Washington, I suggest you get a dog.

  2. I enjoyed your fine insights regarding the recent Jaczko interview.
    I tend to agree that Jaczko’s claims that he has not been paying much attention to the controversy about the way that his political patrons have treated the renomination of Ms. Svinicki is disingenuous.

    Incidentally, Commissioner Svinicki’s first name is Kristine (not Karen) as you perhaps inadvertently stated at the top of this post.

    My personal opinion is that, for the good of the Country and the future of nuclear power generation, Commissioner Svinicki deserves renomination (and Jaczko should go).

  3. I think the two 4-1 votes are also coming in for scrutiny. Either Jazcko is the only commissioner who cares about safety or he is full of … Many will simply side with their preconception, but at least some will be forced to look into the situation and decide which it is.

  4. Your blog is well done. Egocentric as he is, he is finding out that being classless is worse!

  5. The NRC is serious about its licensee having ‘chilled work environment’…. Maybe Dr J will have to answer and taste the NRC’s own medecine.

    Here is the info:

    Citing the Commission’s own inspection manual, the members wrote: “The NRC requires its licensees to maintain a culture of safety and subjects them to inspections and enforcement against a ‘chilled work environment.’ The NRC Inspection Manual defines a ‘chilled work environment’ as ‘one in which employees perceive that raising safety concerns to their employer or to the NRC is being suppressed or is discouraged and can occur because of an event, interaction, decision, or policy change.’ Allegation Guidance Memorandum 2012-001 provides guidance to agency staff regarding the use of ‘chilling effect letters’ to ensure licensees are taking appropriate actions to foster a safety conscious work environment (SCWE)….”

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