Atomic Action: Launching pro nuclear smartphone app

Generation Atomic hosted a launch party for its newly available nuclear advocacy app – Atomic Action – with an appropriate spread of apps [appetizers] at TGI Fridays on 5th Avenue in Pittsburg. Timed to coincide with the annual American Nuclear Society Student Conference, the launch party attracted an enthusiastic group of about 40 twenty-something activists…

Atomic Advocacy enters the App economy with Atomic Action

Though I try not to do this too often, today is a busy day. Therefore, without further ado or editing, here is a press release that Generation Atomic issued this morning. It announces actions and a product that I think you should hear about. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Person: Eric Meyer, Executive Director, Generation Atomic…

Rally to proclaim support for Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant

Californians for Green Nuclear Power (CGNP) is hosting its 3rd annual rally in support of the continued safe operation of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) a week from today on Friday, March 17, 2017 (St. Patrick’s Day). The event starts at 11:00 AM and is schedule to conclude at 1:00 PM. Participants are asked…

How To Campaign For Clean Air While Eating Plenty Of Brownies

It is heartening to take note of all of the distributed efforts being made around the globe to push nuclear energy back into the conversations relating to current and future energy supplies. For far too long, one of the most amazing, high potential scientific advancements of the 20th century has been demonized and marginalized. Many…

#AdvancingNuclear took over Twitter yesterday

If you gather enough nuclear nerds and atomic geeks into a single location and include some talented professional communications experts, it’s possible to make a social media splash and capture attention – at least for a short period of time. That is one of the lessons I learned yesterday while attending Third Way’s Advanced Nuclear Summit…

PBS Newshour teases NOVA’s Nuclear Option

Judy Woodruff introduced a “must see” segment on PBS’s Newshour last night. JUDY WOODRUFF: Now: why some engineers and investors are making big bets to develop a new generation of nuclear reactors. Miles O’Brien has the story. It was a co-production with our friends at PBS “NOVA” tied to the January 11 documentary “The Nuclear…

U. S. should strengthen and export its atomic energy capabilities

Donald Trump has once again caused a huge stir with the issuance of a 140 character statement of purpose. Here is the tweet heard around the world: The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)…

The New Fire project nears completion. Please prove there’s an eager market

Advanced nuclear reactor development is so vibrant, interesting and important that it has attracted a filmmaking team. The filmmakers, led by David Schumacher and Derek Wiesenhahn, are telling a story about some of the projects that aim to produce new ways to use fission to power society. The projects have been created by dedicated, interesting…

Maria Korsnick describes nuclear industry strategy under incoming Trump Administration

Maria Korsnick, the new President and CEO of the Nuclear Energy Institute, recently talked with Monica Trauzzi, host of E&E News’s OnPoint. Korsnick and Trauzzi discussed the nuclear industry’s near term future and its public information strategy under the coming Donald Trump Administration. A complete transcript of the interview is posted on the E&E News…

President Trump: Nuclear energy is the mother lode of untapped potential

President-elect Trump’s gracious acceptance speech includes a statement that should stimulate creative people who appreciate the capabilities of nuclear energy yet are saddened by the huge gap between the promise and the current reality. “I’ve spent my entire life in business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world….