1. Re: “He is concerned about the way that so many people accept the conventional wisdom — which is so often promoted by people who are interested in selling more natural gas — that all we need for our future energy needs are various forms of renewable energy firmed up with “clean, cheap natural gas.”

    Why SHOULDN’T people feel that way when you hide nuclear’s virtues and advantages in a PR closet? Why must a NYC resident like me see more Puppy Rescue ads than _any_ extolling the benefits of Indian Point whom our esteemed governor can’t wait to take apart? I grit my teeth at the Gas Lady commercials but hey — they’re only doing the logical thing to get their word and product out — just like how now sterling BP Gulf did to get their impossibly soiled bacon out of the fire. No, I can’t blame the oil and gas companies a wilt for making themselves known to the world. It’s the nuclear “industry”/community/collective that hasn’t a clue about stroking and educating the public. Preach on more to the choir, folks! Or call Puppy Rescue to learn how it’s done — and funded!

    James Greenidge
    Queens NY

  2. “the benefits that we have developed along the way have far overwhelmed any cost increases.”

    What are these benefits? Do these benefits allow Southern Company to increase their profits from Vogtle 3-4? If the benefits directly impact the revenues that Southern can reap from the units they’re currently building, that’s wonderful. If these benefits are something else, like rebuilding an American supply chain that will benefit the next builder, the argument that Southern will reap great benefit from that makes far less sense.

  3. @Timothy Wyatt

    As explained in the quote, the benefits will allow Southern to charge customers less than expected over a long predicted operating period. As a rate-regulated, integrated electric utility, Southern’s chief benefit will come from keeping rates low and attracting new customers to its service territory over time.

    As Fanning mentioned in passing during his talk, Southern is negotiating for additional plants to take advantage of its investment in learning. He said they have to resolve “some vendor issues.”

  4. Well, since Georgia Power is suing Westinghouse and Stone & Webster for over $900M, those issues may take some time being resolved. I want the US nuclear sector to expand as much as anyone, but the performance of the Vogtle and Summer projects isn’t helping make that a reality.

  5. Perhaps the resolution of “vendor issues” will be to choose a different vendor.

  6. @FermiAged

    Changing vendors would eliminate all of the learning from the FOAK project. Better to learn to work together and to recognize that NRC has some responsibility for things that Southern has called “vendor issues.” Like many licensees, Southern mistakenly believes “you can’t fight city hall.”

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