Visual inspection of massive damage at North Anna nuclear plant (look closely)
CBS TV 6, one of the television stations closest to the North Anna nuclear power station was allowed to take a tour to see the massive damage caused by one of the largest earthquakes that has ever occurred in the US east of the Mississippi River. Caution – the video you are about to see has some very disturbing images and might make you rethink your position on nuclear energy.
I hope by now that you have watched the video and realized that my words above are dripping with irony. The damaged areas that you saw could most likely be covered by a dinner plate. Please remember that replacing the electricity that the North Anna power station could be producing while the NRC dithers over granting permission to restart is costing Dominion an extra $2 million dollars per day.
It is also resulting in about $2 million per day in additional sales for the natural gas industry.