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  1. On the experience bit: here is another angle:

    Does anyone know how Dr. Jaczko’s executive experience compares to the chief nuclear regulators of other countries with long standing nuclear industries?

    For instance, Dr. Weightman in the UK has has thirty-four years management experience in his agency and prior to being director headed the division responsible for site inspections. Perhaps there are downsides to working in the same agency for too long and becoming “stuck in ones ways” or becoming complacent, but that would only happen if there is insufficient means of oversight from other bodies/ political actors.

    How do you think the head of our NRC is viewed by his peers internationally? Does that matter – good, bad or indifferent?

    1. Linda J. Keen was President of the CNSC during the so called “isotope crisis” when AECL was ordered by her to shut down the NRU, then the reactor making 60 per cent of the world’s supply of medical radioisotopes. She was removed from office by an extraordinary measure passed by the Canadian Parliament (unusual as normally these roles are independent of political influence.)

      Her only qualifications for the job were her connections with the Liberal Party of Canada as her academic and professional background had been in the agri-food sector (she held an MSc in agriculture sciences.) Prior to her appointment, she had no experience in any nuclear related field.

      Yet, she still managed to win appointment to the Chair the International Nuclear Regulators Association (INRA) in 2003 and also to the Presidency of the International Convention on Nuclear Safety. Thus it would seem that the international nuclear regulatory community does not place much weight on technical qualifications when it comes to judging their peers.

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