1. Well at least they are being open about it, I guess. The positive thing about insiders making statements like this, is that we don’t sound like conspiracy nutbars when we accuse the fossil fuel industry of the same thing. These days that can be a big hurdle to overcome when trying to convince others that all is not green on the renewable side of the hill.

  2. Former Senator Tim Wirth made a similar statement to the Colorado Oil and Gas association. Colorado is a focal point because of a lot of natural gas being extractor there and Colorado is adopting a 30% renewable energy standard. The irony is that a proposed uranium mill in Western Colorado is facing a lot of opposition even though the environmental damage from natural gas is much greater. Lately when I visit my home town of Durango, I notice that the country side looks like it has a bad case of acne with all the gas wells. Many of these are on private property where the property owner has no right to stop a company from putting the well there.

  3. Is this the same Robert F. Kennedy who spread the unfounded claim that thymarosol in vaccines causes autism? Despite the fact that thymarosol has not been an ingredient in vaccines in the US since 1998, and even older longitudinal studies from Scandinavia discovered no correlation to exposure to thymarosol and autism, there are now trends of parents who are not vaccinating their children. Because of this man’s advocasy work, herd immunity in the united states has been compromised and children in the US are now again dying from vaccine preventable diseases. Why is it the most ill-informed who are loudest speakers?

  4. I suppose the environmentailists would probably argue they are making a nod to practicality: better to burn natural gas (the cleanest-burning of the fossil fuels), a fraction of the time, than to burn coal and oil-products 100% of the time.
    It does seem a shame that they completely avoid nuclear as an alternative for ‘baseload’ power.

  5. Yes. He has been beating that dead horse as recently as this year.
    The man is truly a mental midget. He’s also a hypocrite (e.g., Cape Wind) and a conspiracy theorist as well. If his last name wasn’t Kennedy, he’d be just another heroin-addict and ex-con. Instead, the US has to be afflicted with his nonsense.

  6. I like to think of it as an unintended blessing; some people are both so obnoxiously loud and offensively stupid as to let the whole conspiracy out of the bag. As in this case, RFK Jr. and natural gas. More clever people in his position do not make it a point to outright highlight the linkage between “renewables” and natural gas. In this sense then, Mr. Kennedy has done some of the heavy lifting for us.

  7. The only reason anybody pays the slightest attention to this guy is: 1) he’s a Kennedy, and (not coincidentally) 2) he’s rich.
    Wonder if the enviro-minded folks that live over the Marcellus shale fields know what Frackin’ Bob is up to?

  8. If he wasn’t a Kennedy, he probably would have been shot at least one of the many times he sailed his boat up the Indian Point Nuclear power plant while trying to show how unprotected the plant was. I can just hear the conversation between the security guards, “wait! Don’t shoot….it’s just another Kennedy”.

  9. @harlz – If you get into any conversations with them on the web, now you know a place where you can send them to find out how Bobby talks to the gas industry.

  10. “I can just hear the conversation between the security guards, ‘wait! Don’t shoot….it’s just another Kennedy.'”
    Followed quickly by, “He’s probably just drunk. Simply keep him off of any bridges, and he should be OK.”

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