Search Results for: mangano

USA Today Asks Readers If They Should Trust Alex Balwin's Opinion on Nuclear Energy Matters – Of Course Not, He is a Professional Liar

…viduals he named were Karl Grossman, Ernest Sternglass, Jay Gould, and Joe Mangano. As Baldwin spent the most words in his Huffington Post piece describing the qualifications of Sternglass compared to any other named individual, Sternglas seems to be the one you’d want to look at first if you were thinking about debating Baldwin. A Nuclear renaissance isn’t going to get that far unless a serious debate takes place about the past history of the US…

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Ethics of international radiation protection system

…or publish bogus studies and information about nuclear power? People like Mangano, Gundersen, or Darius above whose neutrons are so fast, they leave no dose to be measured but seek out female DNA in a Chinese-esk sex selection process. I’ve read perhaps a score of your contributions and the sum total in my estimation seems to be more about being a clever burr under the saddle of nuclear power than of help in any meaningful way; I suspect you can…


No more collective dose!

…report.” I think I may have seen worse abuse of statistical analysis from Mangano and Sherman, but this is pretty bad. Basing trends on extreme points (outliers) in any data series reeks of selection bias and cherry picking. The conclusions are not supported by the data they provide in the article. By the way, STUK just published a report stating the complete oposite of your Bavarian example. Looking at the credentials of ‘Hagen Scherb’ I am star…

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Smoking Gun research continuing in earnest

…00/AEOH.58.2.74-82#.UqO_1OJUrFl Fred You mean people in India shouldn’t want another Bhopal, similar to the thousands in India killed every year from Coal mining deaths, Coal pollution, Oil and Gas explosions, fires and pollution, and biomass burning. Many thousands of children killed. And your buddi…


Public is rational about radiation; the industry isn’t

…, as evidenced by crackpots like Helen Caldicott, or the serial liars like Mangano and Sherman, or even my local tin-foil hat crowd who, when they’re not fertilizing the editorials with their boot filling bovine odour, are busy listing documents or studies that don’t state what they claim. “Too busy believing the delusion to see it from outside the cult.” Wow, richardw, have you got your wires crossed. david davison @ Bas Care to compare total civ…

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Arnie Gundersen Caught on Video Lying About Risk of Radiation Released During Fukushima Event

…ho is funding the anti-nuke people like this one? Another one is Joseph J. Mangano who criss crosses the US giving scare speeches about nuclear power. How work was labeled “junk science” by Popular Mechanics. Another one of these salesmen is David Lochbaum, former NRC board person. He is selling many books, also traveling the US. I don’t know if book sales are enough to support his campaign against nuclear. Only the fossil fuel industry is at risk…


Anti nuclear movement strategy circa April 1991

…se with facts, give examples, expose the charlatans like Caldicott, Busby, Mangano, Gundersen, etc. These knaves provide plenty of fodder to embarrass the tin-foil hat crowd. They ARE kooks, cranks, and crackpots, and yes, some are highly educated; but their foolish statements can be exploited. Ok, I’m headed to the garage to beat on the heavy bag! david davison NP, Are you speaking of the greed displayed by people like Christopher Busby who is ex…

Atomic fission offers a path that addresses climate change and energy dominance without making ugly tradeoffs

…oing decommissioning work, which is what people like Peter Shumlin and Joe Mangano say we should be doing (FWIW, I won’t do it for any price). Rich About 20 years ago an engineer at my plant submitted a safety concern about electrolytic capacitors. Seems he was reading the specifications on a capacitors needed in one of his designs and discovered that they had a one year shelf life. Following the guidance of our Nuclear Power Plant Personnel – Emp…

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No Agenda Show recommends Hiroshima Syndrome for Fukushima info

…ue of about 2.0 pCi/L.” *Related to Part 5 My source for the above is that Mangano/Sherman study which claimed that Fukushima has already caused 14,000 deaths here in the United States. Before you jump on me for that, let me assure you that I agree that it presents shoddy and erreoneous conclusions. Nevertheless, those figures in of themselves don’t appear to be a lie as I haven’t seen them disputed. Then there’s purportedly ~300 other types of ra…

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