Search Results for: Jaczko


Dr. Greg Jaczko finally resigned – good news for truth seekers

…ty system and plenty of campaign contributions, used their power to insert Jaczko into a position for which he had no qualifications so that he could slow or halt the development of a power source that could actually take market share and revenue from their powerful contributors. Jaczko did his best to do their bidding. He took several actions and made a number of decisions that have dented the Nuclear Renaissance. Fortunately, nuclear fission has…

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Jaczko’s Antinuclear Pursuits Will Seek Other Venues

…required permission. At the end of this post, I have embedded the video of Jaczko’s last interview with Platts. I hope that Dr. Macfarlane, the new Chairman, listens a lot better than Dr. Jaczko did to the professionals that surround her and realizes that nuclear safety is a key focus for all of us. Our focus on safety is not changed by the fact that we know that operating nuclear fission power plants are a beneficial to the health, safety, prospe…

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President Carter’s opinion of whether Jaczko exceeded authorities granted by Reorganization Act

…dependent individuals are far too polite and politically aware to question Jaczko’s motives, but I have no such limitations. As numerous recent articles have shown, Jaczko’s primary assignment was to kill Yucca Mountain – all of the bluster about concerns for nuclear safety were just a cover story. There is one section of the IG report that I would like to share because it shows that even people with similar political tendencies were able to see t…


Hearing on Jaczko’s leadership at Nuclear Regulatory Commission

…hat I found incredible here regards the question submitted by Issa to both Jaczko and Capt. Ostendorff. Jaczko has previous experience managing a group of just 8 people, while Capt. Ostendorff commanded organizations of hundreds and thousands of people during his Navy career. And I’m supposed to believe that Jaczko is more qualified to run the NRC? Unbelievable. It’s obvious to me that the Democrats in Congress snickered Bush to put Jaczko in char…


Congressman Markey attacks NRC Inspector General; expect its Jaczko report within days

…usations about the Inspector General’s office on anonymous sources inside the NRC. During the hearing she held in December, Senator Barbara Boxer disrespected the unnamed (but known to the commissioners) sources who complained about Dr. Jaczko’s actions. She compared the way that the other commissioners were protecting the privacy of Jaczko’s victims to the McCarthy witch hunts for suspected Communists. Here is a clip from that hearing. https://ww…

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Congressman Upton to Chairman Jaczko: Should NRC Issue “Chilling Effect Letter” to Itself?

…egulations, Parts 19.20, 30.7, 40.7, 50.7, 60.9, 61.9, 70.7, 72.10, and 76.7). The manner in which Chairman Jaczko addresses the issues raised by Congressman Upton’s letter will say a lot about Jaczko’s leadership abilities. Will Jaczko do a mea maxima culpa move or will he stay the political course which put him in the chairman’s role in the first place?…

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Jaczko defends incorrect 50-mile evacuation order at Fukushima

…d floods of millions of gallons of toxic sludge. On May 31, 2011, Chairman Jaczko once again defended his order in a press release titled NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko’s Statement on NRC’S Commitment to Safety. The document is virtually identical to Jaczko’s May 26, 2011 Huffington Post article titled Ensuring Nuclear Safety. (I used the word virtually because I have not checked the two documents side by side, but the first few paragraphs match.)…

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Focus on food, water, shelter. Dr. Greg Jaczko is wrong and giving dangerously bad advice

…00,000 other newly homeless people. Jack Okay, so Mr. Adams is calling Mr. Jaczko a liar. He really is. This story clarifies Mr. Jaczko‘s claim that #4’s spent fuel pool has boiled dry. He made the claim in congressional testimony, and then again that night. He gave specific attribution to the claim. I very sharply dispute just about everything Mr. Adams has written here, but we’d probably agree on the following: Mr. Jaczko had better be willing t…

Atomic Show #155 – Lisa Stiles Interview of NRC Chairman Greg Jaczko

…titute. Since then, the availablility and quality of data has improved and Jaczko believes an updated study is needed. Jaczko mentioned the study as part of the NRC’s efforts to enhance public confidence. He said that stakeholders frequently ask questions about radiation risk and the data that support NRC and licensee assumptions and analyses. Conference attendees asked several questions expressing concern about the need, scope and goals of the in…


Jaczko and Issa communications dated May 7, 2012

…tee on Oversight and Government Accountability sent the letter to Chairman Jaczko. STATEMENT FROM CHAIRMAN GREGORY JACZKO ON SAN ONOFRE RESTART Despite some erroneous reports in the media, there is no NRC timetable for restart of the San Onofre nuclear reactors, which have been shut down over safety issues affecting the steam generators. We have yet to receive the utility‚s written response documenting their completion of actions described in the…

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Jaczko apologizes for distraction and implies he has been the victim of a coup

…the other commissioners. It continues with a question directed to Chairman Jaczko asking what he apologized for in his letter to the White House Chief of Staff. Chairman Jaczko states that what he is really sorry about is that internal NRC matters (in his opinion) are being discussed in public. I guess he thinks that mistreating his staff and disrespecting his colleagues is just an internal NRC matter that should never see the light of day. That d…

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Greg Jaczko claims nuclear is too expensive and that unreliables will take its place

…gulatory uncertainty keeps growing. It is quite depressing to realize that Jaczko was forced into a responsible position without any qualifications other than having powerful patrons inside the Washington, DC beltway. My only hope is that the leaders in the nuclear industry learned something from the Jaczko experience; no industry should meekly accept the actions of the federal government as being in its best interests. That is especially true wit…

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