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  1. Interesting that Lovins inmediately responds to all the comments, except Rod’s. Well, come to think of it, he DOES respond to Rod’s comment…….by disappearing.

  2. @poa

    Let’s be gentle. My comment might require a bit of research. A guy like Lovins may need to have a little time to get the staff work done and reviewed.

  3. I was being gentle. Please note that I didn’t comment about not realizing what an insipid looking little guy Amory is.

  4. He is quite the snake oil salesman. It is easy to win economic arguments when you make up all the underlying assumptions in your favor. In a big issue like energy who is going to be around in a few years with the facts to dispute him? By that time he will have moved on cherry picking facts and making further assumptions in his favor selling his snake oil to a new audience.

    Why was the IBEW local in favor of this agreement?

    Has Mr. Lovins ever stated what the Federal subsidies to nuclear power actually are? He claims they are much higher than that given to the renewable power industry. On a kwh basis, it seems very hard to believe.

  5. One thing I have always wondered about people like Lovins and Jacobson is why they automatically assume that essentially everyone will be more than happy and willing to put solar panels on their rooftops and make all this supposedly plentiful “homebrew” power, and will be just fine with tons of batteries in our basements or in a shed outside somewhere. I know I would not be happy at all doing that. I have not the years left on this Earth to recoup the costs, much less come out ahead. I don’t want the added burden of maintaining the system, or paying someone else to do it (I’ve got bills enough to pay now, and more than enough maintenance chores that I can’t get done). So what happens to laggards like me who would rather just put a check in the mail every month and stay on the grid and use the power that is 99.9999999999999999% reliable? I guess they assume I will sponge off my neighbors and be happy with a 20-25% capacity factor-based grid.

  6. @Wayne SW

    One thing I have always wondered about people like Lovins and Jacobson is why they automatically assume that essentially everyone will be more than happy and willing to put solar panels on their rooftops and make all this supposedly plentiful “homebrew” power, and will be just fine with tons of batteries in our basements or in a shed outside somewhere.

    Perhaps it is because both gentlemen have spent their professional careers in academia or think tanks. They also get invited to talk at a lot of gatherings full of economically pressured, but young and healthy college students. Their audiences probably tend towards the “I can do this cheaper myself” crowd.

    I know little about the personal lives of either man. I have no idea how their families live, whether they know people who struggle with health and independent living issues or whether they know people that live in apartments or are perennial renters.

    I do know that both people take a lot of money from donors that have multiple financial interests in competitive energy products that benefit if there is less competition from well-designed and operated nuclear power plants.

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