Rachel Pritzker kicks off Third Way’s Advanced Nuclear Summit and Showcase
In August 2015, I had the distinct pleasure of introducing Rachel Pritzker to Atomic Insights readers and Atomic Show listeners with Atomic Show #241 – Rachel Pritzker, philanthropic problem solver. Since that show, Rachel and I have met face to face, exchanged several emails, participated on the same conference calls, and interacted via Twitter.
I also watched her give a terrific TEDx talk titled Energy Myths: Climate, Poverty and a Reason to Hope | Rachel Pritzker | TEDxBeaconStreet via YouTube.
Each one of those communication opportunities has increased my respect for Ms. Pritzker’s dedication, passion, leadership and original thinking. Her involvement in establishing a favorable environment for developing advanced nuclear energy solutions in the United States is one of the primary reasons I’m getting increasingly optimistic about our future prosperity and environmental health.
Here is her kick-off talk at the Advanced Nuclear Summit and Showcase hosted by Third Way at the Newseum in Washington, DC. on January 27, 2016.
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