Atomic Show #322 - Westinghouse's eVinci micro reactor 1


  1. Thanks Mr. Adams: There certainly could be a lot of applications for a continuous 5 MW thermal power source. Pumping came to my mind. As various aquifers around the world become depleted and the warming planet causes enhanced evaporation, the need for irrigation water will continue to grow. Another application could be pumped hydro to meet peak usage during the day or to meet needs when wind and solar are slack. If these units are inexpensive enough they can free industrial customers from the local utility while giving predictable power costs. As the weather cools, Winter heating will soon be upon us. These units could provide district heating. I hope they achieve the goal of becoming an inexpensive clean power source.

  2. One advantage provided by using heat pipes to move heat out of the reactor is that the gas used in the Brayton cycle power conversion system isn’t exposed to a neutron flux.

    For eVinci that allows the use of a conventional open cycle, air-breathing machine. Those are commerical products with deep supply chain capacity.

    HTGRs using Brayton cycle power conversion typically use less mature concepts like closed cycle helium turbines or supercritical CO2, also in a closed cycle.

    Only developers and customers can tell us if the benefit outweighs the cost and manufacturing challenges of hundreds of heat pipes.

  3. The Westinghouse offering is to be taken more seriously than all the offerings from Aalo to Xenergy. The sheer caliber and array of guns that Westinghouse can train on any problem is only duplicated by foreign state franchises. Despite a bankruptcy and new owner every 5 years, the depth of talent, analytical methods, fabrication and maintenance skills and experience make Westinghouse ‘god of Nuclear’ (lowercase g, capital n).

    I am glad they have moved on from the early concepts with pellets pressed into a monolith, but I do not understand why it is not a bundle of rods and heat pipes banded like a fasces, maybe with interstitial sodium bonding. Maybe they’ll figure that out if/after a single prototype is built. I have a very short position on these devices being adopted at any scale. They are certainly can’t have an EROI comparable to a big LWR or CANDU. Remind me again: Are there a bunch of Eskimos that want a nuclear reactor up in the Arctic, to keep their fridges cold?

  4. Trying this again.
    Hi, Rod. I am conversing with Elon M. on power generation needs for a Mars surface application. We are using a GCR as the basis but could use the Westinghouse design. We consider using CO2 or CFCs as the working fluid. I have come up with a divergent electric end after the turbomachine. We would welcome your inputs and participation.
    John Kessler

  5. Hi Rod,

    Fascinating program on e-Vinci with Leah Crider.

    Looking at the Westinghouse website, there is shielding on one end of the core, but that’s it. I’d be interested in how much shielding is required. Nothing is shown in the little videoclip on the website.

    And what is the rough cost of loading it with Triso fuel?


  6. *Just realised that it is using an open air brayton cycle turbine, which won’t work underwater! I guess it could work with some closed cycle turbine eventually…

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