Strengthening nuclear innovators - Bootcamp at Berkeley 1

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  1. Any word on whether the 2017 program will be exclusive to students?

    Asking for “a friend” 🙂

  2. Thanks as always Rod. Events like this emphasize that ‘the wind is changing’. And a semi-serious question: why aren’t you on the program?

    I also see that there is an opportunity for mentors:

    We are looking for experts on startups, business, nuclear technology, innovation, and more to serve as mentors.

    Your experience is valuable. The Adams Atomic Engine could have new life yet.

  3. I posted the above too quickly – looking further, the sponsors are providing an incredible opportunity:

    Accepted students will be provided with housing and meals for the duration of the program.

    The final presentations of the team designs look like a great opportunity to get to know the innovators. Rod, do you need a bit of fund raising to let you at least go to the final presentations?

  4. I wonder if I could sit in on those presentations if I were to happen to be in that area towards the end of my honeymoon?

    Would the wife (by that time) be ok with me doing that might be a better question. 🙂

  5. “Vote 4 Energy” — only nuclear’s not only not on their ballot but zero mentions in all their “public” comments. Sic ’em NEI/ANS!!!

    James Greenidge
    Queens NY

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