Cheap Gas Drumbeat – Quotes from the Chorus of Chanters

This post will be one that evolves over time – especially if I can get some help from readers. My intention is to put together a representative series of quotes and links that show the rhythmic beat of the “cheap gas” mantra. I am not a believer – I think that the oil and gas…

One Woman’s Crusade – Nancy Thorner is Asking Exelon to Please Operate a Large Nuclear Energy Facility Located in Her Backyard

Several times during the past few years, I have written about the Zion Nuclear Power Station. The station, located on the shores of Lake Michigan, about 30-40 miles from Chicago, hosts two 1100 MWe Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors. Commonwealth Edison shut it down for repairs the mid 1990s (Unit 2 on September 19, 1996 and…

SCANA V. C. Summer Project On Track and Under Budget

There was a bit of encouraging news coming from South Carolina during the earning season. SCANA Corporation, the only Fortune 500 corporation in the state, issued a presentation that included a progress report on its V. C. Summer New Nuclear Deployment (NND) project. Here is an extract of that presentation showing the original budget, the…

Following the Money That is Backing Peter Shumlin for Governor of Vermont

Vermont Tiger is running a fascinating series of revealing articles written by Rob Roper. The articles focus on Peter Shumlin, the President Pro Tem of Vermont’s Senate and a leading candidate as Vermont’s next governor, and his intriguing relationships with David Blittersdorf, the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG), and Vermont Yankee. Part I of…

Contrasting the Quarterly Reports of Energy Giants

It is earnings season – that time of the quarter where publicly traded companies issue their quarterly reports. The third quarter ended on September 30 and it normally takes a few weeks to close out all of the transactions and produce the numbers. While perusing reports in the Wall Street Journal from companies that interest…

Should People Worry About a Rusty Hole the Size of a Quarter?

The Miami Herald has published a story titled Hole found in nuclear plant containment building. The article is about a rust-caused hole the size of a quarter that was found in the containment liner at one of the Turkey Point nuclear units during a recent routine refueling outage inspection. The story is rather typical “he…

Professional Anti-Nuclear Activists Using San Bruno Fire-Inspired Concerns About Natural Gas Pipelines Against the Indian Point Nuclear Plant

Some people will attempt to contort any issue into a reason to avoid the use of nuclear energy. On October 26, 2010, NPR published an Associated Press story titled Concerns Raised Over Pipeline Near Indian Point that describes how Paul Blanch, a man described as “an energy consultant from West Hartford, Conn.” has filed a…

Beware of Poll Predictions Based on Poorly Representative Samples

I am going to take a moment of publisher privilege and write about a topic that is not specifically atomic, nuclear, or energy related. As I read about election predictions based on polling numbers, I am reminded of a story I learned during one of my statistics classes. We had just learned the mathematical formula…

NIRS, Natural Gas and Aggressive Competition For Calvert Cliffs Unit 3

Southern Maryland Newspapers Online has published a article titled Reactor under microscope that provides some interesting details about Constellation Energy’s offer to sell its stake in Unistar to EDF. It describes a letter from Constellation’s Mike Wallace expressing a strong desire on the part of Constellation’s management to encourage and assist with the project, even…

Bob Guccione and Small Nuclear Power – Fusion Promoters Seduced Him

I keep close tabs on developments in small nuclear reactors, so I was intrigued this morning to notice that many returns in a news search with that phrase kept turning up obituaries for Bob Guccione, the founder and long time publisher of Penthouse Magazine. Here is a quote from the New York Times version: The…