Anti-Nuclear Groups Declare Victory In Fight Against SCE&G's VC Summer Nuclear Plant. Actual Score Shows SCE&G Won In Most of Decisions

According to a recent article in The State titled Groups gain ground in nuclear plant fight, two anti-nuclear groups have claimed victory in a recent appeal to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of previous decisions by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB). As is often the case in claims by people who adhere to the deceptive practice…

Salem Nuclear Plants returned to full service by Jan 7

On the morning of January 3rd, the operators of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant shut down unit 1 and reduced power from unit 2 because of a lack of cooling water flow. A combination of ice, high winds and low tide reduced the available water in the cooling water intakes to the point where the…

Smoking Gun Part 18 – An Oldie But a Goodie – Oil Heat Institute of Long Island Ad Using Scare Tactics to Fight Shoreham

One of the most famous battles against nuclear energy in the US, a struggle whose effects remain important to this day, was fought on Long Island. The saga involved nearly two decades of highly publicized effort marred by many failures in management and a well-organized opposition effort that successfully turned out thousands of people willing…

Is the Effort to Shut Down Vermont Yankee a Modern Day Witch Hunt?

A frequent contributor to the discussion threads here on Atomic Insights shared the following observation about the battle over Vermont Yankee. I think it deserves more attention than it will get buried in a separate commenting system. I would be interested in hearing from you; especially if you have a personal connection to the struggle….

Another Blogger For Nuclear Energy – Meredith Angwin at Yes Vermont Yankee

This morning I discovered a new blog for nuclear energy called Yes Vermont Yankee. It is published by Meredith Angwin, a woman who has provided the following information about her background in the energy industry: No. I am Meredith Angwin, a physical chemist. I have worked most of my life for the power industry. My…

If Natural Gas Producers Are Shifting Resources to Produce More Oil and Electricity Producers Are Burning More Natural Gas, What Will Happen to Natural Gas Prices?

It is a widely repeated mantra in the business press that natural gas prices are low and expected to remain that way for the foreseeable future. The people who make these statements point to the above average quantity of natural gas in storage and to the “unprecedented” increase in the magnitude of the US natural…

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy – Nuclear Dialogs

It has been a few months since I noticed a new pro-nuclear blogger on the web, but I just came across a new blog titled Nuclear Dialogs, published by Patrick McEwen. Patrick is a University of Wisconsin nuclear engineering student who also participated in his high school debate program. He has written for The Badger…