1. When you read the articles, it is worth noting that David O’Brien, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Public Service (DPS) often comments on Roper’s articles.
    One thing that I would like to see made more explicit, however, is that the Board of Directors set-up for the Clean Energy Development Fund CEDF didn’t exist at first. The geeks at the DPS were running the CEDF show with a small bipartisan oversight panel. When the ARRA funds approached and the amount of money in CEDF was about to increase dramatically, Shumlin and cronies decided the geeks at DPS shouldn’t run CEDF any more. It was time to put together their own Board to run CEDF. They happily included people on the board who would make the rules about how to apply for CEDF funds and THEN…apply for the funds themselves. Haven’t you ever noticed how much easier it is to win government money if you start by writing the government rules for “how to win”?
    I recommend this August article on the situation, also by Emerson Lynn.
    I am someone who used to work in renewables and I believe renewables have a place at the table. I hate to see this kind of behavior. I hate it as a taxpayer, and I hate it as someone who respects renewables.

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