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  1. David:

    Glad you approved. We are hoping to make similar discussions a regular feature. It is kind of difficult to arrange the schedules of such busy people, but I have begun building a list of potential rotating members. Are you interested?

  2. Rod: Interesting, but I might suggest that each podcast needs a discussion point or purpose.

    The ones that work the best for me are interviews with people outside of the industry. or the old timers. It is good to hear an outsider’s point of view. Working in the industry can be an echo chamber. Also hearing about how things were done in the past is interesting.

    BTW, I just listened to an interesting podcast by Jim Detmers VP of operations at the California ISO. It seemed somewhat disorganized since you can’t see his PowerPoint slides, but informative just the same. The point he kept making is the destablizing effect of wind power on the grid.

    Unfortunately, the podcast seems only to be available on Itunes. Go to Itunes U under Stanford. There are several energy related podcasts. Some are worthwhile.

    Good to hear where Bob M. wound up. If I recall correctly, he started out in our department, as a summer student or first job out of college.


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