Atomic Rod planning a visit to ANS Student Conference 2008
One of my favorite memories from my continuing quest to share my ideas about small, inherently safe nuclear power plants was a time in 1994 when I visited the University of Wisconsin in Madison for an ANS student conference. To this day, I keep in touch with several people that I met during that conference. In fact, I just had dinner with one of them a couple of weeks ago.
The students in nuclear engineering at that time were a feisty, aggressive bunch – they had to have thick skins to have chosen that difficult major at time when the prospects for the technology did not look very promising. They are now moving into significant leadership positions within the industry, a fact that bodes well for success in the next Atomic Age.
At the end of this month – Feb 28-Mar 1 – I will be attending another ANS Student Conference.. This one is being hosted by Texas A&M. That is an appropriate location considering the interest that the business world has expressed in building new reactors in Texas.
If any of you are going to be there, please look me up. Perhaps I will try to host a breakfast on Friday morning for all of the early risers. Let me know if you are interested in getting together and talking about the future of the industry and the cool new technologies that might be coming along in the next few years.
I will have some recording gear along with me and will try to produce a podcast or two from the event.