Nobody's fuel – A "must have" DVD if you are serious about energy
I have been seriously outdone. Compared to the production value and message available at, my talk at Google was a boring lecture. I swear that I had no idea this film existed when I prepared my talk – though you might notice some startlingly similar topics and thoughts.
Go and see the trailer at and tell me if you agree. Then support this effort by visiting the web site and ordering the DVD. I already have my copy on the way.
The man behind the movie has a serious resume that indicates just how credible his movie will be. Here is an excerpt:
A retired Mechanical Engineer, H. Douglas Lightfoot graduated from UBC in Applied Science in 1952, and received an MBA from Concordia University in 1976. He spent eighteen years with Domtar Inc. at the Research Centre in Senneville, Quebec, working on research, engineering and economic studies of alternate energies as well as a wide variety of projects for the pulp and paper, chemicals and construction materials businesses. Prior to joining Domtar, he spent five years designing, building and starting up chemical plants at Dupont of Canada, and 12 years of project engineering at Standard Chemical Limited.
He is a retired member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec and the Professional Engineers of Ontario, and a Life Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He continues to have an active interest in energy and energy related subjects and is a member of the Global Environmental and Climate Change Centre (GEC3) at McGill University.
His list of publications is even more interesting.
Thanks to JF from for the tip about this valuable work.