Shell Oil's Version of Future Energy Sources
I hope that the below copy is readable, but if not, you might try clicking on it to get access to a larger version. It came from the December 8, 2008 issue of Fortune Magazine.
Just in case you cannot read the copy, here it is:
“Tackling climate change and providing fuel for a growing population seems like an impossible problem, but at Shell we try to think creatively.
In addition to our growing oil and gas business, we’re investing in energy sources like wind, and also investigating innovative new engine fuels made from unexpected sources like gas, hydrogen, straw, waste woodchips, and marine algae.
It won’t be easy. Innovative solutions rarely are.
But when the challenge is hardest, when everyone else is shaking their heads, we believe there is a way.
To find out how Shell is helping to prepare for the new energy future, visit”
I always love it when nuclear fissions competitors think so little about it they cannot even remember to list it somewhere above straw as an energy option.