Antarctic misadventure failed to plan for resilience
I’ve been pondering the misadventures of the Akademik Shokalskiy for several days, thinking about the difference in result between an excursion planned on the cheap by people who depend on things going smoothy and a voyage planned by people who included contingencies and had access to more capable technology.
In the summer of 1994, the United States and Canada collaborated on a polar expedition aimed at studying the impact of global warming on the seas surrounding the North Pole. Each nation contributed its most powerful icebreaker. The planners determined that an expedition with two powerful ships, each with independent and redundant capabilities would enable them to conduct a surface transit through western waters to the North Pole.
Although the same path had been repeatedly traveled by nuclear-powered submarines that could take the easy way to the North Pole by traveling under the ice — with the first trip completed by the USS Nautilus in 1958 — the USCGC Polar Sea and the CCGS Louis St-Laurent were designed to power their way through packed ice, at least in the thinner ice prevalent in July and August.
The Polar Sea, the sister ship of the Polar Star that is currently heading to help extract the Akademik Shokalskiy, was designed to be able to break through 2 meter thick ice at a continuous speed of 3 knots and to smash through ice up to 7 meters thick by backing and thrusting forward.
Those capabilities are enabled by a flexible propulsion plant that includes three shafts powered by electrical motors, six 3,000 SHP (2,235 kw) diesel generators that can be configured to provide as much as 18,000 SHP (13,400 kw) to the motors, and three LM2500 combustion gas turbines, each with an initial output of 20,000 SHP (15,000 kw), which were later upgraded to 25,000 SHP (18,600 kw).
That power plant, with a maximum propulsion power of 75,000 SHP (56,000 kw) (some of the electrical power output of the generators listed above must supply “hotel loads”) gives Polar Sea and Polar Star about 15 times as much muscle as the 3,100 SHP (2,300 kw) Akademik Shokalskiy. Of course, that means that they also consume at least 15 times as much fuel per minute if they have to use their full strength. The Louis St-Laurent has similar icebreaking capabilities but a somewhat less powerful propulsion system, with a total output of 20,000 kw.
Along the way, the scientific contingent of the of the summer 1994 expedition planned to take ice core samples, survey animal populations, conduct seismic measurements and conduct additional baseline surveys.
Because everyone associated with planning the trip recognized its historical significance, the passenger list included a film crew and journalists to document the journey. The resulting film became an A&E documentary titled Icebreaker to the North Pole.
The careful planning for redundancy paid off when the Polar Sea broke a blade off of one of its three propellers. That casualty did not result in a distress call or an inability to continue the trip because the Polar Sea was designed for the arduous task. It had two more propellers available, so it could progress on its own power, with a little help from its friend when the ice got too thick to break in its less powerful configuration. The voyage planners had provided for the unpredictable, but possible, contingency of mechanical failure.
When the ships neared their destination, they were greeted by a powerful vessel that made ice crushing look easy.
Since the Yamal is powered by two KLT-40 nuclear power plants, its captain does not have to be careful about fuel economy and can use high power to show off. Its propulsion power is the same as the Polar Sea‘s at 75,000 SHP from three electrically powered propulsion motors. The Yamal has a similar level of redundancy since each of its 55 MWe reactors can provide full power to the propulsion motors. The elimination of concerns over fuel economy also give the Russian operators more practice in ice operations that is available to the Americans; the Polar class ships are less frequently used due to the impact of high fuel bills on perennially tight Coast Guard budgets.
Because moving through thick ice was so routine for the Russian nuclear powered ice breaker, it did not use a buddy system. In fact, the trip was so easy for the larger ship that it comfortably carried a significantly more vulnerable collection of passengers, a group of child entertainers and their parents. The professional quality of their performance on the ice was quite a bit better than the infamous singalong from the passengers on Akademik Shokalskiy.
After meeting at the North Pole, US and Canadian officers were given a tour of the impressive Russian ship, which was well-appointed with luxurious-looking paneling and a heated swimming pool. When they arrived at the dining room they faced a couple of almost embarrassing questions. “Are your icebreakers the most powerful in your country?” When both the US and the Canadian captains replied, “Yes” the next entertainer asked “Then why do you move so slowly in the ice?”
The main problem slowing down the pair of North American ships was the broken propeller on the Polar Sea, which limited its propulsion plant to 2/3 of maximum speed. In addition, it is expensive to race through ice using 75,000 SHP produced by burning oil in three LM2500 gas turbine engines. At that power level, the Polar Sea burns about 13 tons of fuel per hour (an typical LM2500 specific fuel consumption is 0.354 lbs/shp-hr).
After some neighborly exchanges and a couple of days at the North Pole, the captain of the Yamal and the captain of the Polar Sea decided that it would be prudent and helpful for the American and Canadian ship to follow the Yamal out of the ice. That would make the trip significantly easier and quicker than having the Polar Sea struggling out in its damaged condition with just the assistance of the Louis St-Laurent.
Obviously, this episode had the potential for a significant propaganda win for the Russians in demonstrating capabilities that were superior to those of its economic rivals in the US and Canada. However, it could have also been used as a way to increase the interest in the use of nuclear energy. It makes activities that are arduous, but possible, with fossil fuel seem almost trivially easy. As one scientist put it, it is mind-opening to think about the benefits of being freed from worries about endurance and resupply.
When the Americans and Canadians first learned that they were sharing the area near the North Pole with a nuclear icebreaker, they immediately started worrying. After the film crew and the voyage planners had witnessed the surprising and undeniable demonstration of the superior capabilities enabled by nuclear energy, they decided to temper the potential interest on the part of any later viewer of the documentary. During the post journey production, they inserted an extraneous video sequence about Russian closed cities that were used to produce materials used for nuclear weapons.
The weapons material manufacturing facilities have about the same relationship to icebreaker propulsion plants as bullet factories have with pickup truck engines, but such is the state of commercial media’s indoctrination about nuclear energy. The producers felt they needed to insert the negative and ominous footage before they could show the sequences demonstrating the positive aspects of the technology. The inserted footage prepares the audience and tempers its impressed awe about the arrival of the comfortable and powerful ship with a generous helping of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
One of the reasons I favor the use of nuclear energy is that it makes it easier to be resilient and independent. It is in both the US and the world interest to more openly discuss the implications of a better, more capable, more energy dense fuel source.
It is also worth noting that the fossil fuel powered ships chosen by the climate change researchers in both 1994 and 2013 can accelerate the very ice loss that they worry about. That effect is no so much from the minor amounts of CO2 that their engines produce, but from the effects of the soot that gets deposited on the pristine ice. That soot causes an effect called greying of the icecap, which makes the ice a much better solar energy absorber. That hastens the summer melting process.
As I was preparing this post, I was reminded that the people who planned The Spirit of Mawson excursion and chose the cheaper Akademik Shokalskiy instead of a more powerful, but more expensive, icebreaker are not the only people in this world who are putting themselves and others at risk by making a cheap selection without contingency planning.
This week, the Northeast section of the United States is suffering through one of the worst cold spells in more than 20 years.
During the relatively mild winters that have been common in the intervening years, grid planners, public utility commissions, utility customers and power plant operators have gotten used to operating on the cheap and failing to plant for the worst case event. They have noticed the low prices of natural gas and assumed that the fuel would be available when needed. A number of customers have made the investment to remove their oil burning furnaces and underground storage tanks and replace them with natural gas heating systems.
They forgot to take into account the fact that there is a finite limit to the amount of gas that can be pushed through a piping system and that there is no alternative means of moving the vapor to the places where it is needed. As a result of system choices based on short term pricing, they have failed to plan for a widespread and deep cold spell when the need to continuously supply gas for heat bumps into the need to continuously supply gas to produce electricity.
Oil furnaces, coal-fired power plants and nuclear plants all have a significant resiliency advantage over natural gas. They each store a certain amount of fuel on site. That inventory can be burned to supply needed heat and electricity even when the fuel delivery systems fail. Of course, the duration that coal and oil fuel inventories will last before being fully consumed pales in comparison to the 18-24 month fuel cycles of a commercial nuclear power plant, but they beat the heck out of the lack of onsite storage for natural gas.
As of yesterday evening, Platts was reporting that there were places in New England where the price of natural gas reached as high as $99 per MMBTU compared to a New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) closing price of just $4.20. The real meaning of that price spike is that there are some places where there is no gas available at all, no matter how much the customer is willing to pay.
That is a potentially life-threatening situation in a region where the temperature is expected to remain well below freezing for the next several days before a warming trend arrives. Just imagine the increased challenge if a similar event happens next year, after one more nuclear power plant — the 620 MWe Vermont Yankee — and its enormous “fuel tank” is removed from the Northeast power grid.
Nuclear energy is elegant.
Thanks for this post Rod, you saved me the search of the videos since you mentioned this precise story in your last Atomic Show! Can’t wait to watch the videos!
Reminds me of the reporter in a canoe on a flooded street during the hurricane:
Just remember, there’s nothing educational about television, no matter what they try to tell you.
It should be pointed out that, with only one or two warm water ports, the need for icebreakers is much greater for Russia than it is for the US and Europe. We just don’t need something that big, no matter how cool it might be.
Rod, I love nuclear as much as the next guy (probably more than the next guy), but I think this strongly shows an uncritical bias and that isn’t helpful to our cause. Let’s do some examination:
75,000 HP (by all sources)
150 m length
23,500 tons
5.7m props
Speed breaking 2.3 meter ice: 3 knots (–Did you really believe 12 knots???
Maximum Ice Thickness: 5 meters
Polar Sea:
93,000 HP
122 m length
11,000 tons
4.9m props
Speed breaking 1.8 meter ice: 3 knots
Maximum Ice Thickness: 6.4 meters
While I’ll 100% agree that nuclear is a fantastic (the best) design choice for a large ice breaker, especially a Russian one given how often they are used and the need in their economy, let’s not delude ourselves. The Polar sea is ~90 feet shorter in length, less than half the displacement, and manages to have very similar breaking characteristics. I think you see a design choice in continuous breaking speed vs. max ice thickness, but certainly not a lack of power. 93,000 HP is 93,000 HP no matter how you cut it. The Polar Star routinely makes trips, unescorted, to Antarctica, a place with much colder temperature extremes than the North Pole. I think you bought into the TV-generated hype a bit too much. My guess is that the low speed used reflected the norm of using the diesels at all times unless the turbines were absolutely needed, as is the norm with CODAG implementations.
@Cory Stansbury
Thank you for the corrections. I will make a few modifications to my post. Here’s a bit of an excuse, though there really is no excuse for poor research. I knew that the icebreakers were furnished with two KLT-40 nuclear power plants and I knew that both of those machines are capable of producing about 55 MW of electrical power. Therefore the claim of them being substantially more powerful than the Polar class vessels made sense to me.
After receiving your comment, I looked more closely at sources that listed specifications for the ships to see that their three propulsion motors are each about 25,000 SHP (18,000 kw). In other words, only about half of the output of the two reactors can be directed to the shaft.
The Polar class ships have a somewhat similar limitation; they cannot direct all of their generator output to their propulsion motors.
Also, as I noted in the post, the main reason that the Polar Sea was moving slowly through the ice was that it had a broken propeller, limiting its propulsion to 2/3 of the maximum power.
@Cory Stansbury
I would appreciate a second read to see if I have properly addressed your concerns.
Much better 🙂
I have often wondered how much oil could be saved if oil tankers were nuclear powered. What percentage of the energy in a tanker is consumed if it travels half way around the world?
Although most trips are shorter than that you also have to consider the return trip to pick up more oil.
Email this to Time Magazine and the New York Times and see what they say. Isn’t this great human interest news??
Not only does this kind of situation demonstrate the importance of the reliability of each generation means but also the delivery infrastructure as well. From what I gather the recent problems in Buenos Aires Argentina that I keep going on about involved the failure of transmission lines that could not handle the load.
Its colder at my house in north Florida now than it is in Moscow. Most of Russia has had a unusually warm and snow free winter. Britain has seen some unusual flooding and storms as well, likely connected to our cold weather and an accelerated jet stream.
UK storms: Giant waves hit amid fresh flooding fears ( )
Waves of up to 27ft (8m) were recorded off Land’s End, Cornwall.
Thats a big wave. The video goes over some of the records.
Its strange but I haven’t seen evidence of a substantial price drop in European natural gas prices despite the unusually warm winter Russia and most of Europe is having.
Oh here we go:
Gazprom may lower Ukraine’s natural gas prices after January 10: aide ( )
If you read that Its interesting it seems to be (also?) a political move in response to the Ukraine situation. The “winter,” late fall started out cool but has been warm the last couple months ongoing in Europe. Of course there is always a increased demand for gas on paper at least as well; less nuclear, a cleaner fuel than coal and as a transportation fuel.
Sad Numbers, and quite an understatement of a headline:
Germany’s clean energy drive fails to curb ‘dirty’ coal power
The share of German electricity generated from environmentally dirty brown coal rose 6.5 percent year-on-year in 2013, soaring to its highest level since 1990, latest energy industry figures released Tuesday showed.
The use of hard coal – compared with 2012 – also increased, the group added, rising by 8 billion to 124 billion kilowatt hours. ( )
Lets see how the pro renewable “environmental” sites report it. If at all.
I have already seen them making excuses for it.
Another NG pipeline leak exploded Monday in OK, with pictures. ( )
So far 3 people have died from the new years day apartment explosion and fire in Minneapolis that has dropped off the radar. Fire department officials suspect NG was the cause.
Plant outages during the very cold. It looks like nuclear did very well in comparison:
PJM grid sees power plants returning after cold-weather problems
In its report, PJM said 19,114 MW of steam boiler plants, most coal-burning units, were shut early Wednesday when overall outages were above 39,500 MW.
More than 16,000 MW of natural gas and diesel-fired plants were unable to operate, including nearly 2,300 MW of newer, combined-cycle, gas-fired plants.
Another 1,600 MW of nuclear generation was shut and nearly 1,500 MW of wind. ( )
PJM has 29 NPPs with a total capacity of 30,500 megawatts.
Evidentially 9000 MW of NG was put into curtailments and not able to function due to short supply [?].
PJM serves 51 million people in 13 states and Tuesday morning’s electricity use peak was a record for winter at 138,000 MW.
Texas :
Cold weather causes surge in demand on Texas’ electric grid
The state’s main power grid narrowly avoided outages on Monday after several power plants failed as electricity demand soared in response to the coldest weather in two years. ( )
Texas imported 980 MW of power from the east coast and Mexico. Wholesale prices got to the cap of $5000/ MW for one hour.
Rolling blackouts in South Carolina :
SCE&G’s electric system has lost part of its generating capacity due to weather driven mechanical issues at several of its power plants. The rolling blackouts will protect the stability of the electric system ( )
Here’s a nice Arctic icebreaker scene, with a rare conference of icebreakers of different technologies and home countries.