1. Rod, you may want to also check out the Nuclear N-Former at http://www.nuclearcounterfeit.com/
    Have you considered migrating the Atomic Insights blog to the WordPress platform? There are many advantages to going with that platform over blogger. It can be a little more complicated on the back end but it has better SEO functionality plus some pretty amazing plugins. Blogger is great because its free and easy but it’s really limited for the reader and the author.

    1. @Jason – Yes, I have considered migrating Atomic Insights. Though I have some ancient and creaky HTML coding skills, I have never had the time to learn much about CSS and some of the other tools that can make WordPress come alive. I am also lazy – I like easy to use tools and tools that I have already learned to use.
      Blogger also has implemented a number of improvements over the years and has some advanced plugins and tools that I have been using on the Adams Engine blog. I have just not gotten around to migrating Atomic Insights to the new format.
      One more thing about Blogger that I really like is the fact that it is closely associated with the search engine that the SEO folks like to target. I have done some testing – my posts on Atomic Insights can usually be found using a Google search within minutes of being posted.

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