Natural Gas Promoted As a Wind Backup

Just in case you have not seen the commercial, I thought it would inspire your day to see what the American Natural Gas Alliance has to say about wind and solar power. Doesn’t that make you want to go out and build a few natural gas fired power plants?

Opportunity to Support an Exciting Nuclear Technology Video Project

Many people who read Atomic Insights have told me that they appreciate the effort that I invest in the publication. Some ask me how I find the time, others ask me how I plan to make a return on the time invested. The answers to those questions are best discussed over coffee or something stronger….

The Natural Gas Lobby Might Have Met Its Match

CNG Bus at Pentagon The natural gas industry has been lobbying hard to get incentives for additional markets put into whatever energy legislation comes out of Congress this year. Even in the Senate’s vastly reduced bill, Senator Harry Reid is pushing for a provision that establishes tax incentives for natural gas vehicle production and for…

The Atomic Show #158 – Loan guarantee politics, fuel recycling, small reactors prospects

Margaret Harding, Lisa Stiles, Dan Yurman and Rod Adams talk about the political maneuverings related to nuclear plant loan guarantees, the politics related to nuclear fuel recycling, and the prospects for significant deployment of smaller nuclear power plants in the United States. Rod discusses the evidence that he documented on Atomic Insights with regard to…

Land Area Requirement for Concentrating Solar Plant (CSP) in Promising Areas

I recently read a blog post titled The world’s first molten salt concentrating plant that introduced me to Archimede Solar, a subsidiary of the Angelantoni Industrial Group S.p.A., with Siemens as a participating partner. The first of a kind plant has a peak rating of 5 MWe and cost $60 million. That is a pretty…

Looking at Recent Events Through Fuels Market Lenses

I once earned the nickname of “Fuels” while participating in a series of Naval War College seminar courses titled National Security Decision Making, Strategy and War, and Joint Maritime Operations. Each course in the series was taught in three-four hour blocks one night per week and lasted for two full academic semesters. Anyone who has…

Another anti-nuclear activist tries to use concerns about Gulf oil gusher to increase resistance to nuclear energy developments

Dr. Jeffery Patterson, the President of the Physicians for Social Responsibility (originally founded by Dr. Helen Caldicott) has published an op-ed titled Lessons from the Gulf for nuclear reactors that is another attempt to use concerns about the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico to increase the level of resistance to the development of…

Incredibly misleading headline from the European Wind Energy Association blog claiming wind and renewables are about to "surpass" fossil fuels

There is a post on the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) blog with the following incredibly misleading headline Global wind power and other renewables about to surpass fossil fuels. The details, of course, are considerably different. What actually happened was that the PEAK capacity total for all sources of energy that are officially classified as…

PBMR Project Winding Down – Entering Intellectual Property Protection Mode

As long time Atomic Insights readers know, I have been following the developments of the South African Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) project for many years – since before the company was formed, in fact. As a result of many factors, the government of South Africa has decided to stop funding the project. Though the…