9th Nuclear Energy Blog Carnival

I have the privilege of hosting the ninth in a series of blog carnivals highlighting nuclear energy related posts around the blogosphere. Volunteering to host this week’s carnival is part of my celebration of having a bit more control over my schedule now that I have retired from my first career. I am enjoying some…

Platts Small Modular Reactor Meeting – Second Day Observations

The second day of the Platts Small Modular Reactor meeting was held on June 29, 2010. The meeting started with Don Hoffman’s summary of the previous day’s discussions. He spoke about having taken more than 20 pages of notes with questions, answers and action items. Don is the President and CEO of Excel Services Corporation,…

Is a Fuel Rods Tax Such a Bad Idea?

The German government is seriously considering imposing a significant tax on nuclear fuel rods that is expected to provide the government with approximately 9.2 billion euros of additional revenue over a four year period. This new tax might initially make nuclear reactors less economically competitive compared to fossil fuel alternatives, but it could very well…

Independence Day Letter to President Obama – Re: Nuclear Energy Summit

A group of distinguished and dedicated energy experts has composed and signed a letter to President Obama in support of a recent call by a group of eleven US Senators to convene a Nuclear Energy Summit. Here is the full text of the July 4, 2010 letter along with the initial list of signatories. (Note:…

Another Web Site for Nuclear Energy – The Hiroshima Syndrome

I was recently invited to visit a new web site titled The Hiroshima Syndrome. This web site is a labor of love produced by a retired math and science teacher who started his professional working career as a “nuclear power plant operator, environmental monitoring technician, design engineer, public relations spokesperson, and public education coordinator”. He…

Wall St. Journal's Real Time Brussels blog sees Natural Gas as Europe's Destiny

The Wall Street Journal blog titled Real Time Brussels has posted an article titled Natural Gas: Europe’s Destiny that is well worth reading if you want a better understanding of the economic and political forces that are working to change the energy landscape in Europe. The piece compares natural gas against other available options and…