1. Instead of maintaining the existing document organization on a federally controlled server, the program’s official website is an incomplete mirror hosted on Archive.org, a non-profit private organization whose site is also known as the Wayback Machine.

    Wait. ?What??? Look, I hate to go all poa on y’all, but the Internet Archive is not, nor was ever intended to be, a repository of record. It is a private, not public, web-scraping exercise whose purpose is to preserve some information that otherwise might, either by accident or neglect, somehow disappear.

    Internet Archive servers are no longer even hosted in the United States: it’s proprietors have apparently found more suitable environmental conditions in Canada.

    One might suppose Dr. Anderson may have made an honest mistake regarding Wayback Machine’s purpose and capability. It’s harder to imagine such ignorance being universally shared by the IT staff within DOE Office of Science.

    Are you sure there isn’t some other, official DOE, repository for this stuff? I mean, we paid for it — where is it?

  2. I should note Internet Archive does offer Archive-It, a paid subscriptions service “…appropriate for organizations that have a mandate to save certain types or categories of web content on a regular basis,” and perhaps Dr. Anderson, in abundance of caution, contracted this operation to help archive his.

    However, since 2008 Internet Archive has also an End-of-Term-Archive project, over which specific government managers may have somewhat less direct control. End-of-Term seemingly is supported by the observation that, apparently and by at least one metric, 83% of .gov pdf’s seem to have disappeared between 2008 and 2012.

  3. I only know of some of the work on single cells at LLNL. The peer reviewed article was quite good, fully illustrating that the DNA repair machinery, primarily for oxidative damage, also repaired low dose rate ionizing radiation damage.

    The work should have been continued at ever higher dose rates.

  4. The low dose program was the one ray of hope inside
    the US government. The stuff that came out of
    LLNL/UCB was spectacular. TV pictures of the cell repair
    process in operation. Solid evidence that the accuracy
    of repair was non-linear in dose rate.

    Yet as far as I can tell, the nuclear establishment
    did not lift a finger to save the program.
    This would have been the perfect place to fight back.
    It is hard to feel sorry for such a timid bunch.

  5. Is there anything that could be done to revive the program? Maybe a petition to the Trump Administration?

  6. @David B. Benson

    We’ve tried that approach. The LDRRP was championed by a senior senator for about a dozen years. The problem with senior senators is that they eventually retire.

    I suggest that we encourage the group of senators that have already expressed their strong support for nuclear energy to recognize the benefits of a moderate investment in serious, credible, biological science into the real health effects of low dose radiation.

    Booker, Whitehouse, Crapo, Murkowski, Cantwell and Inhofe (or his Oklahoma colleague, Langford) would be a good start. For a stretch goal, we might also try to include the California senators that express interest in the benefits of nuclear energy but currently act as if they believe that the risks outweigh those benefits.

  7. Was recently prescribed “high dose” radiation treatment. Total dose = 70 Gy. Two Gy per day, five days per week for seven weeks.

  8. @Rick

    It’s a good thing that the linear, no threshold dose response model is a complete fabrication. That treatment my very well extend your life for several to many years, but if someone got hit with 70 Gy in one shot, it would have a better than 50/50 chance of resulting in death within weeks.

    As prescribed, your doses might not even make you feel very sick as your body has some time for natural repair mechanisms to be effective.

    You might, however, want to inquire about a “priming dose” before the treatments begin.

  9. Thanks Rod — I appreciate your input. After three weeks, fifteen sessions, there have been some serious side effects. But, I was told about them several times in advance. The problem is in my larynx and the treatment has made it painful to swallow. I was told in advance that I may need a feeding tube. They told me that it was like having a sun-burn inside my throat but they expect it to heal within a few weeks after the treatments are over. They have also provided me with liquid food and a lidocaine gargle. It is irrational that the LNT crowd is so concerned about tiny amounts of radiation.

  10. I finally caught up on the posts regarding the Obama administration’s closure of the LDR program.

    From the video of Dr. Metting’s testimony, it’s clear that what her superiors did was illegal, especially with regard to the firing and the raid on her office. Charges should be pressed about destruction of government documents as well as destruction of whatever personal property was involved. I believe that harrassment applies as well.

    This incident should be brought to the attention of the Trump administration, because it is very obviously politicized in favor of the Jackson Browne/BP….er, I mean, biofuels lobby.

    It’s too bad that Dr. Ernest Moniz wasn’t contacted about this in an attempt to override the decision in the Office of Science at the DOE.

    In addition, someone with publishing capability should invite Dr. Metting to write a book.

  11. I wanted to share a couple more transcripts and articles I found about these incidents. I have used the more formal sources, although there are also numerous brief articles on Republican-leaning websites.

    Transcript of Dr. Noelle Metting’s testimony on 21 September 2016 – 46 pages of primary reference material – http://docs.house.gov/meetings/SY/SY21/20160921/105345/HHRG-114-SY21-Wstate-MettingN-20160921.pdf

    Chairman Lamar Smith’s (R-TX) report on misconduct at US DOE – 20 Dec 2016 – 27 pages of primary reference material

    Writeup at American Institute of Physics

    EENews –

    Courthouse News Service. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) supported Metting

    Federal News Radio –

    Art Kilner writes about DOE misconduct at Medium

    Back in early 2015, _Science_ looked at the bill that would have continued LDR work-

    I hope these items are of use to fellow supporers of Dr. Metting.

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