Stewart Brand talks about why it’s time to rebrand nukes.
Kiera Butler has produced a post on Mother Jones titled Power Q&A: Stewart Brand: The Long Now futurist and founder of the Whole Earth Catalog talks about why it’s time to rebrand nukes.
I read the posted interview twice and did not see any real discussion or mention of rebranding nuclear power. Sure, Stewart says some positive things about the technology that might cause some Mother Jones readers some angst, but neither he nor the interviewer talk about ways to make the concepts more palatable by an effort to change the terminology. Could it be merely a coincidence that the author (or headline writer) came up with the phrase during the same week as we have been discussing that very same concept here and on the DSC?
Is it possible that Ms. Butler or her headline writer is either listening to the Daily Source Code (DSC) (episodes 753-756) discussion about rebranding nuclear power, listening to the Atomic Show answer to that discussion, or reading our conversation on the Atomic Insights post titled Atomic Show 093 – Time shifted conversation with Adam Curry (The Podfather)”?
It would sure be cool to think that the word is getting out that there is a new, deep and engaging discussion going on about the atomic alternative to continued fossil fuel consumption.