Areva Shares Information About its 35 Years in the Nuclear Fuel Recycling Business
As Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat has mentioned, Areva is working hard to become a participant in the online conversations about nuclear energy developments. Though it is natural to think that a company with growth aspirations would put some effort into the interactive media, it is difficult to describe how happy it makes me to see a company steeped in the traditionally quiet nuclear industry step out for engagement.
Based on Dan’s blog and his Twitter mention of Areva’s engagement, I visited Areva Blog – North America today to learn something new about Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX), a recycled fuel product that is being used in more than 35 of the world’s 435 nuclear reactors. What I did not know was that some German reactors have been using MOX for more than 35 years!
I could not help myself, so I added a comment to the blog to test to see just how interactive the company plans to be. I am interested in learning more about MOX, specifically some information about market prices and about the energy returned on the energy invested compared to other types of emission free fuel sources. Let’s see if Areva approves my comment and more importantly, if they make an effort to engage in discussion by answering it as completely as possible.