Liberal Democrats easing opposition to nuclear power
In a December 19, 2007 column in the Washington Post titled A Nuclear Renaissance Ignored Max Shultz of the Manhattan Institute makes the case that the Democratic Party has moved away from the reflexive anti-nuclear position that it held in the 1980s as an official part of its party platform. He cites several examples of changes in planks to the platform and he mentions recent, less dismissive comments by such leaders as Barrack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore.
In the column, he recognizes that there are still pockets of anti-nuclear activity that are led by prominent Democrats, but the point of the column is to show that it is not a universally held position any more. He takes his home state governor – New York’s Elliot Spitzer- to task for his cognitive dissonance in both wanting to shut down Indian Point while trying to make New York a leader in a northeast regional effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Thanks to Ruth Sponsler at We Support Lee for the excellent link.