Gasland II coming to HBO just in time to influence 2012 elections

Natural Gas Watch has published a fascinating interview with Josh Fox, the creator of the often mentioned documentary about the impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) titled Gasland. Fox is well into the production cycle for a sequel titled Gasland II; he described the difference between filming the first movie as an unknown documentarian and making…

Nuclear proponent versus free market advocate for natural gas

My continuing discussion with Robert Bradley at Master Resource provides an opportunity to concisely document information about energy market competition gathered over several decades. I hope you continue to enjoy it, but part of the reason for publishing it here is to add to a growing web log (blog) about the topic that may be…

Debating a natural gas booster about nuclear competition

My discussion with Robert Bradley at Master Resource regarding the relative value of investments in natural gas generation versus nuclear generation continues to result in some interesting exchanges worth additional visibility and comment. Here are some of the recent posts: Robert Bradley { 12.03.11 at 9:47 pm } Rod: $4/MMBtu natural gas–how can nuclear compete…

John Rowe wants everyone (else) to buy natural gas

The Philadelphia Inquirer recently ran a story titled Exelon’s Rowe an unlikely booster for shale gas. The headline writer was wrong; John Rowe is one of the most motivated natural gas salesmen in the United States right now. Though he will not receive any commission checks for his efforts, he stands to profit immensely if…

Ed Markey, LNG and antinuclear activity

I have frequently wondered why Representative Ed Markey is such a powerful antinuclear activist. The mystery has not been just trying to understand why he is so actively opposed to nuclear energy, but how he accumulated so much legislative power so early in his career. A few days ago, I started piecing together some interesting…

What Does San Bruno Pipeline Catastrophe Tell Us About Gas Transportation Infrastructure?

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which is the responsible federal regulator for natural gas pipelines, has issued the report of its year long investigation of the San Bruno pipeline explosion and fire. That September 9, 2010 event, involving a pipeline located directly underneath a residential area, killed 8 members of the public, injured dozens…

Backlash Against Nuclear Power Adds to the Top Line of Oil and Gas Companies

An article titled Backlash Against Nuclear Power Hits the Bottom Line provides some interesting food for thought about the intricate connections associated with the world’s $6 trillion per year energy market. Here is the first quote I want you to ponder. The combination of earthquake, tsunami and human ineptitude produced a fiasco at Japan’s Fukushima…

Is Rowe right? Will natural gas remain cheap for 10-20 years?

John Rowe, the soon to be retired CEO of Exelon, the largest nuclear plant operator in the United States, said the following during a talk at the American Nuclear Society Utility Working Conference and Vendor Technology Expo in Hollywood, FL. The Colorado School of Mines estimates that the total potential of U.S. gas supply increased…