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  1. Let me tell you why Cape Wind is going to “succeed”, insofar as a power-generation system that uses air currents to generate power can succeed – in generating inherently unreliable power six times more expensive than the already high ISO-NE power pool (heavily based on expensive, explosive natural gas) – it’s all about the narrative that was constructed by the supporters and opponents of Cape Wind.
    Supporters of the wind farm were able to successfully construct the narrative that Cape Wind was being opposed by powerfully-connected elites looking to frustrate public needs in favor of their own parochial economic interests. This is largely true; those opposing Cape Wind were manifestly self-serving and were concerned mainly about preserving the views from their beach-front properties. They proved the NIMBY phenomenon is alive and well in Massachusetts. However, they proved something else: that the power of people coming together for what they perceive to be the common good is, too, as the remainder of the state ganged up on the NIMBYs and took them down. (This is ultimately promising for the large-scale development of real clean energy in Massachusetts – the NIMBYs can be stopped.)
    We had no one argue against Cape Wind from an economic perspective. If this had been done (something along the line of “Cape Wind is trying to get National Grid to take more of your hard-earned money so that they can generate power with inherently unreliable windmills in the ocean that cost more than TEN TIMES more than energy from a safe, clean, reliable nuclear power plant!”), then, perhaps something different would have happened, especially if the expensive wind power issue was placed in the proper economic justice context – the heavy burden that the exorbitant electric rates in Massachusetts inflict upon consumers from middle class and working class backgrounds, as electric costs are a regressive tax upon the middle and the poor, and the fact that high electric costs lead to lower wages and lower standards of living for everyone – not only because of high electric bills that consumers have to pay, but because businesses have to do less with less, rather than do more with more.

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